Improve long range?

What fov should i use?

help! :<
fov switch 90 - 105
never use a fovswitcher, you keep changing the feeling then and lose focus
Agreed but I like to use it on really long distances when nobody is shooting at you especially as fops.
i use it as zoom ( to see if enemys come) and then i switch back and shoot them
105 is the best allrounder fov (night or holz said so!)
Yeah and they're both shit aimers, surprise!
actually , night isnt so shit aimer :) played a lot 3o3s with him.
Your standards are shit.
ye but ur a fag lolo

i would listen to this known oldschool aimingstar !11
yeah man, that totally newschool guy who totally sucks at things like aiming and playing 3v3
Low blow man, low blow.
Could it be because it's perfectly between 90 and 120 ?
it took him ages to find out, don't spoil it!
less fov and lower sens than close range


Quote set 1 "cg_fov 116; sensitivity 3.666; m_pitch 0.0176; bind mouse2 vstr 2; cg_crosshaircolor red "
set 2 "cg_fov 94 ; sensitivity 2.666; m_pitch 0.0176; bind mouse2 vstr 1; cg_crosshaircolor red "
bind mouse2 "vstr 1"
is use that script to but for close range i use cyan so that it isnt confusing !!!!!!!!!!!!!
switch between 90 and 112
3rd person ftw :D
only wanted to say you've got a small e-penis :x
Tonnel vision. It's not about just fov.
A clear crosshair, cg_Fov 90, sensitivity 1.75
115 long range
120 short range

same sens 2.67099 m_pitch default
90 always

et is slow as fuck

no reason to use any more than 90
sif it matters when you have xx_radar 1
When using a wallhack 120 is moar effictive.
112 long
112 close

since 4 years !
use 90 allround, you can see best with it.

and if you want to improve your longrange shooting try to find a sens that is perfect for middlerange, don't go too low or you'll mess up your shortrange firing
100 long and close. I used to have 90, played 2/3 years with that fov. Now I am using 100 and I like it more in duels and stuff easier aiming. more hs! but there is no best fov. I think I like 100/103 the most

plz close topic because im so fucking right HAHShsahahaHAHA!
Fuck the fov shit, use the best for you, and when in long range duel, get to a position / situation where you can hit your opponent easily, and when/if you lose focus on the enemy get to a cover for a while and come back again to shoot him from best position. Its almost impossible to win a long range duel if the enemy has gotten his focus on you first (if you dont get lucky headshots or are an exremely fucking amazing aimer, which I doubt anyone answering to this thread is)
Thats what i thought thanks mate :)
Fov 90 and a sensitivity arround 25-30cm for a 180 = epic win on distance
take 90 overall
Just get used to low sens and low fov
gonna test it asap

edit: works
hi2u :D all fine? <3
back @ formated pc now (thx2stiff)
have u seen obama in berlin?
have a nice weekend :D
now that was unnecessarily harsh :(
my bind is upset now
don't ask about fov r_mode it's important too + depents of your screen.
90 fov and low sens
fov 90 , sensitivity 2.2 , dpi 400 , 180° turn script

don't use fov switcher it sucks :-) or use when you lean 120 fov & when you go out of your lean back to 90 , helps too but I don't use it


buy a bot :-)

gl finding it

<3 i.teCh
'they' are dealing points for such advices nowadays :O
UBER points ! :P how many ? :D
depends on 'their' mood i guess :>
90 fov 8)
I know :/ too bad
TTUI miqi still pwning arround :D

yes with sniper =;=
Im using 180° turn script in officials too!
admins don't care anymore about this game or scripts , gl squall i'm using it too in officials , except when they tell I need to stop / remove the bind :/ otherwise my team loses :<
butchji uses it too
What did i fail now?
Wouldn't call that fail tbh ;<<
n1 journal :$

i guess it's about personal preferences, u should check which settings will be best for you.
90 for long range, otherwise 112 imo.
move to side and forward if you get hit
burst fire
low fov + low sens + uber small crosshair
lowsens people are lowskillers without 180script
90 fov for long, otherwise 100
I use fov 90 at all times, but for long range i have lower sensitivity and crosshair 9.
Crosshair 9 owns for longrange, the crosshair is big enough so you don't lose track of it, and the centre dot is VERY small so you can aim precisely at long range.
103 all the time
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