Tour de France!

hi couchpotatoes

The (almost) final results of the Tour de France

Spain Carlos Sastre - Team CSC-Saxo Bank
Australia Cadel Evans - Team Silence-Lotto
Austria Bernhard Kohl - Team Gerolsteiner \o/

The first Austrian since more than 50 years who finished the TdF on the podium and the first Austrian ever to win the mountain jersey!!!!!!

Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria

Tomorrow is the last stage, but if none of these three will crash there won't be any changes in the general classification, because the code de honour says there are no attacks on the last stage.
they will be busted in couple of days anyways...FAGGETS
highly unlikely .. it's to late in the race

they would already be busted if they would have found anything
after what we've seen in the last years, imo everything is possible, i simply have no trust in their fairness anymore

sad but true =(
ET and cycling have a lot in common :/
omg don't let a austrian win
all doping victims
Evans really disappointed me :<
yeah, a really disappointing performance by him .. who would have though that he would only take 10secs away from sastre!
He did well in the time-trial.
Haha, Evans is such a loser :DD
So true! His peformence was more boring than exciting!
idd, what a shame to become 2nd !
Not really, it's just the fact that he never (barely) attacks at all and gambles everything on timetrials. And he failed, so I'm superhappy.
he gets teamed in every mountain stage, no chance @ attacking
he failed last year to take enough time from Contador in the final time trial and he failed again this year .. so yeah Evans is a loser, but he is still one of the absolute best road cyclists atm.
not attacking in the mountains = owning @ time race

Evans failed
I think Evans was way up to his limit in the mountains. Actually he was way up to his limit the whole Tour. His shape just wasn't good enough to win. I wasn't surprised that Sastre did so well today. He always did a good time-trial. The yellow jersey gave him an extra stimulation and I think he was just the most fit this last week. I already noticed the last two mountain stages that people like Evans and Schleck were limited to do some damage-control only.
yeh, well If u can only control damage @ mountains and u dont have the superb talent to take loads of time back @ time trials... then you shouldn't be considered as a possible TdF winner

same as with Ullrich for several years, I never saw him attacking succesfully..He only followed or had to let them go in the mountains.. and in the time races he never could take enough time back @ Armstrong

Like u say, a lot of people did control-damage in this edition.. they just couldn't do better in the mountains

it's Sastre, the one with the most succesful combination of climbing + time racing who made it in the end
True, I think Ullrich only managed to beat Armstrong in a timetrial once.
It's always dangerous to rely on the last timetrial, especially if you're not a killer and/or your opponent sucks at it. Evans fucked up on Alpe d'Huez imo. Instead of just keeping a steady pace he just reacted on some attacks and then the speed dropped horribly. I didn't really understand why Evans was confident to take it back in the time trial. I mean if Marco Pantani can stay within 2 minutes of Jan Ullrich in a time trial wearing the yellow jersey. It was kinda clear to me that Evans would have a really hard time beating a guy like Sastre by 1,5 minutes.
well it's more about who is the smartest now then about whos the best sportsman. You can eb as fast if you want but you'll still be able to lose the tour because some shittards are calculating every point.

that just ruins the sport imho, it's more fun to see some people cycling ike crazy fucks to become first.

But ending in the top 10 without even winning a course just sucks.

But thats my opinion because I don't like cycling because it is so fucking boring, if there are some random nonames with a 10 min lead nobody will smth about that. Because they will never win the tour from the calculating fags.
You're entitled to dislike cycling, but in every sport there are tactics which makes it boring from time to time. In general the Tour was a nice battle. But I still look at it in a way that I miss people like Armstrong. This year it was more like a title for "best of the rest". Kinda similar to F1 the last years. I also was a bit disappointed about the layout of the Tour, it was kinda poor and easy compared to the last 15 years.
didn't watch anything this year, but what I've seen from the last years was 1 team dominating all by calculating. do thewy own a better calculater or does the rest just sucks?

any team could have defauted armstrong by just ruining his or his teammates powers, well maybe they would needed 2 teams to defeat the former team of armstrong. But nobody is realy working together I guess, and everybody is always waiting for somebody else to go first. For me it seemed like "Look srong, act strong, win without power". Ofc armstrong was a great sportsman and won alot, but without his team with maybe even better cyclers as him he would be nothing at all.

And I never see teamwork in the tour, unless somebody realy important needs te get caught back. Best would be block the whole road with 8 of the team and let the other 2 escape, ezbash. Never seen a team try it though xD
You apparently don't know much about cycling and you're not a really good observer either.
bernhard kohl has a retard face - fits to inzest-austria.
yeah it's all about how someones looking ofc!
He looks like a little boy. What surprises me most is that his face looks kinda fat (for a cyclist).
he probably had a cleft lip and/or jaw but i'm not sure about that
care , austrians r dumb anyway
Evans did pretty well considering he got completely teamed in the later mountain stages. Had nothing left in the tank for the time trial.
i thought polaks and dutchies would dominate this cheating competition
fortunately etbot and bimbot don't seem to work in real life ;)
Too bad Russia Menchov made mistakes in the mountains, could have been stage for him :(
First Belgium Belgian cyclist:

name: Maxime MONFORT
country: BEL
team: COF
time after number one: 00:35:48

not that bad, imo
image: doping_epo_ampullen_360

Who got the best Doc - Sport !
Haven't been following the TDF, but the GB triathlon was held in my town today with people from all over the world competing, was nice :>
more cheaters in cycling then in ET, everybody watching cycling should be banned in ET for supporting cheaters! :D

cycling = dead
i doubt there are 40.000 bans in cycling ;)
I doubt there are 40.000 busted players in ET, getting kicked by pb just means new etkey for most cheaters. So I guess we actualy have 5.000 real cheaters busted and all got 8 etkeys allready.

And keep in mind that there are prolly more people playing EC then people cycling the tour, and not that many get busted on the highest level of ET then on the highest level of cycling.

We allready bust them before they get to such high level. Maybe dope tests for juniors in cycling also? I actualy know a somebody whos cycling and he used dope from his 12th to his 16th to get better training without being able to get caught.
The Tour has 180 riders, I don't think EC has 180 players. And maybe if there were as many and as highlevel anti-cheat controls, EC would be worse than cycling, who knows.
lets say EC = 16 teams of 7 players (most have one backup, some have two, some none) that makes 112.

yeah ur right, tour has more players.

And the highlevel anti-cheat controls in the tour aint highlevel because only a small amount of people get tested (first 3 and top 10 + some randoms + yellow/green/etc jersey) while in ET every player get tested. And in ET it's not ur body may containt such amount of these drugs, but ur PC can't contain any cheat files at all.
Cheating and anti-cheat is always a competition where basically it's easier to cheat without getting caught than to prevent all cheating.
In cycling (and other sports) anti-doping was far behind for a long time, but the last 10 years they're catching up really fast. Nowadays it's really hard to use doping without getting caught. You're wrong about the control system. It was a long time ago that only winners and stuff needed to get to the doping control. Teams and riders are tested a lot nowadays, also outside of competition. Further there's a new thing called a blood-passport which basically keeps track of loads of values in your blood. Even the slightest changes will trigger them to be suspicious.
What bugs me is that cycling is attacked so hard and other sports are doing a "good" job staying out of sight.

If you look at ET, lately cheatbusters are doing okay. But it's still very easy to use an undetectable private cheat.
they will be busted anyway :)
rico Italy busted?
need this pic of butchjis 'we still got the austrians' etc. now
Quotebecause the code de honour says there are no attacks on the last stage.

wow, first time you watch the tour??? no attacks on the last stage??? roflmao

watch tomorrow and you'll see it rains attacks
He probably meant no attacks to change the standings and yellow jersey.
but not for the general classification .. sherlock
first of all, you should mention that, and im prety sure that if one of these guys was 1 sec behind, they'd try to get the yellow jersey
Not really, it's like an unwritten rule. Besides there's no point for non-sprinters to try to win at the Champs-Elysees. And sprinters won't have a shot at the yellow jersey on the last day.
such a faggy sport
It's actually one of the hardest sports, those guys are tough as hell.
They replay the final ten times (from different angle) to make it interesting, come on
Nobody forces you to watch it. I like cycling a lot, but I also understand it very good and I kinda know what it feels like. But everyone kinda likes his own sports. For example I used to like football, but nowadays it bores the crap out of me. But I still understand that others are fascinated by it.
wp carlos, he deserved it more than any imo.
fuck the code

i would attack

its everything or nothing tommorow and the finish is at paris
Half the text is bull shit guys, too lazy to read all of it.
But still nice work CSC.
Eddy Merckx would have won. Belgians rule.
cycling sucks
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