Linux punkbuster!

I downloaded this and did

chmod +x

like the xfire tutorial says. tho i get some error message

the console says:
Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
Gdk-WARNING **: can not set locale modifiers

dunno if that is important! pls help me linux users, I have been fighting whole day with that stupid penguin now!
Don't mess with Tux!
skiing is pretty nice in hintertux tbh
oh didnt see the screen seems like u have to give the permissione to the folder
u know how to?
there is no pb folder in the enemy territory folder, not even a hidden one. seems like you completely have to install pb on its own
chmod -R 777 .etwolf/
Operation not permitted
sudo chmod -R 777 .etwolf/
still, seems like the system doesnt like me as its admin
lolz... try ubuntu forums
i meant where and stuff
here or just google Enemy territory install ubuntu forums... xD
nice selfbust
cheating is ez on linux
btw gl with et on linux... had everything working but couldn't properly install mouse, accel was bugged so I gave it up.. and went back to vista.

Also no vent on linux which sux donkeyballs. Linux is for cheating only imo :P
Vent works fine with linux, so does all the mice (at least my 510 and 518 worked perfectly with no 'accel')

Few links:
I had wierd probs with my diamondback, no accel... but more of a delay which got worse with more movement. I tried to edit the xserver file for it but didnt make it work.
I tried turning off accel in ubuntu, which worked for a lil while, but then it came back again. I dunno exactly what I did to try to fix it, was some time ago
I got everything working when I used linux, but when I had ventrilo (through wine) + et on at the same time my fps @ et went down..

linux mouseinput uses direct input.... there shouldnt be any accel
it was a delay which got worse with more movement(input)
rly wierd, dragging mouse to the left, stopping the mouse but the screen was still going left.. If i threw my mouse from left to right the game would respond with a delay of movement.
the directories probably don't exist, and for some reason, the program doesn't have permission to create them for you; i guess it's expecting them to exist already, at least the .etwolf and pb directories.

try opening your home folder, then press ctrl+h to reveal hidden files, and check to see if you can find a directory called .etwolf there. if there's no such folder in your home directory, you can either start et and then exit it again -- this will create the folder for you -- or you can create it yourself by right-clicking somewhere in your home directory and selecting "create directory". once you've created that directory, open it and create a folder there called "pb". then open that folder and create two directories: "htm" and "dll". that should do the trick.

an easier way of doing this is to issue the following command in a terminal:
Quotemkdir -p ~/.etwolf/pb/{dll,htm}
all that effort just for et? funny thanks for clearing that i will never install linux:S
when you install linux, it's for 5 years, you don"t have to format every months like on windows :P
it gets worse, once u installed all incl pb and stop getting kicked u'll find out your sound is not working... once u found a workaround on that, u will find out that ur pro-gaming mouse isnt rly working the way it is supposed too.. after all the frustration u also find that vent 3.0 will not work on linux so no wars on vent either.

The rest on linux works pretty much as it is supposed to but you will enjoy the time spent on getting everything working properly..
Even though I must say linux, if working the way it is supposed to, and with more support and less bugs will pwn microsoft.
Linux is all about having fun and tinkering with shit like that, it's not a boring OS for lazy people like Windows
true that but after 2 days of trying to get around everything and still running into probs I couldn't fix I said fuck it.
Still have triple boot (with xp, vista and hardy heron) but i think I have to fix my mbr, to lazy. And vista works for me now.
what´s wrong with being lazy?
just issuing the command i gave should fix the problem, that's not a lot of effort. i just described different ways to go about solving the problem, so it may look like i've described a complicated procedure, but actually i've just described three different ways of doing the same thing. the reason that i did this was that not all people are equally comfortable with certain approaches. using the terminal often puts new users off, for instance, so i described ways to solve the problem by using the gui as well.

also, the difficulty of the install procedure varies with distribution. on arch linux, for example, you can install et, update pb, and add etpro in just two commands. it can hardly get any easier than that. sadly, however, installing arch linux in the first place is a bit of a time consuming affair.
somehow the whole system does not accept me as administrator.
Operation not permitted.
I can't create a new folder in the ET directory either. when i want to change to rights it says you're not the owner.
you have to do most things in the gnome console.. experience comes with time... and trying to do it urself.
are you saying that you can't create files or folders in your own home directory, or just in the "enemy-territory" directory?
only cheaters install linux for et :D
Only Windows users buy haxs..
no shit? theres free hax for linux
:) free and undetected

Only 30 % retarded and you?
shut up retard
Whats ur problem idiot?
well for one you're probably a cheater
troooooo (hi2u douille)
run as root np
No problem for girls....
Just follow this guide
Accel. disable:
seta in_dgamouse "1"

Dont run as root,just learn to set the right permissions.
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