PC is dead. :_< #2
27 Jul 2008, 10:01
I didn't got an answer last time cuz I made the journal in like 5am or something, well.. my PC died :< I was playing Warsow with OverSchie and than out of nowhere it just shuted down, when it did, it made this beep sound in the headphones. (maybe it can help ya understand the problem)
now everytime that I turn it on it goes on and the fans are starting to work but it doesn't start to beep and the monitor shows only black.
I tried to unplug the battery in the PC and replug it but it didn't do much.. I guess it's called "reseat" and I tried replug the gfx card but it didn't work aswell.. I dont know what to do, I called the company and asked if I still got the warranty, I do have it but only for the motherboard, for the rest I gotta pay and I prefer buying a new one but if there is any way to fix it, please tell me how ;<
when I talked to the company and told them about the problem they said that it might be the mother-board and the power supplier but I'm not sure cuz the PC is getting the power and the lights are going on and the fans are working.. but I dont know how this things are working.. ;<
so, anyone got anyy idea how can I fix this PC?
if someone can help me ill set him up a date with TheoDor/Cohen.
Ill take the PC now to the store and leave it there for a few days, I guess it's the mobo/CPU/memory/Power supply XD like u all said.. well, wish me luck and I just hope they won't try to set me up
now everytime that I turn it on it goes on and the fans are starting to work but it doesn't start to beep and the monitor shows only black.
I tried to unplug the battery in the PC and replug it but it didn't do much.. I guess it's called "reseat" and I tried replug the gfx card but it didn't work aswell.. I dont know what to do, I called the company and asked if I still got the warranty, I do have it but only for the motherboard, for the rest I gotta pay and I prefer buying a new one but if there is any way to fix it, please tell me how ;<
when I talked to the company and told them about the problem they said that it might be the mother-board and the power supplier but I'm not sure cuz the PC is getting the power and the lights are going on and the fans are working.. but I dont know how this things are working.. ;<
so, anyone got anyy idea how can I fix this PC?
if someone can help me ill set him up a date with TheoDor/Cohen.
Ill take the PC now to the store and leave it there for a few days, I guess it's the mobo/CPU/memory/Power supply XD like u all said.. well, wish me luck and I just hope they won't try to set me up
I tried the onboard gfx card and it didn't work aswell so I'm not sure that its the gfx card cuz I've been using the onboard card untill I bought the new one so I know it should work.
Some motherboards have lights on them showing how far it has got in the boot process, if you have that then you can see what stage your PC gets to and then you can see the problem.
EDIT: Had the same, the lights were working and the cpu fan aswell, it's just some volt line gettin fucked up, get a new psu, or borrow one from a friend. Thats prolly it imo
maybe your system speaker r teh broked.
But seeing your signs, its prolly motherboard.
CPU's don die very fast unless you brake them or overheat them very much..