Top Gear...

Who watched the last episode in the series? Top gear @ its best :D The brit v german part was class..
Enjoy :D
For those who cant use iplayer
Gonna watch it soon, cheers for reminding me.
Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only

fucking racists - for racism <3
top gear > all
Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only
downloaded last night, didnt watch yet, will watch when i get home :) too bad this series is over :( only 6 episodes :(
Do you live in Tallinn?
Im going there in 3 weeks for a long weekend and I would like to know good places to go for food and beer. Im not a normal tourist I don't really like to do the boring tourist stuff I want some local action!
i dno what ur into. what kind of food. and under getting beer - do u mean where u can buy or a pub where to go?
I will eat anything, just nice places to eat and drink would be good. Well for example if you were going out for some nice food and then to party the night away where would you go?
where the flow takes me :D nah, well The Old Town is probably the biggest touristmagnet - thats also where most of the restaurants/pubs are located. Also around The Old Town in is the word..downtown - theres alot of pubs/shops/restaurants. Probably one of the nicest pubs u might look for are Nimeta Pubi, Hell Hunt, St. Patricks. How are u planing of coming here? plane or ship, or some other transportation?
Well they always hype up the prices in tourist places, so I want to go where the locals go! Im going to be flying over on Friday the 22nd and coming home on the monday. We have the days planned out but not the nights!
true dat' bout overhyped pubs. Well most casual places i visit are: Hell Hunt, Nimeta and Nimega Pub, St. Patricks, Molly Malone. There are alot more pubs and places we go but i wouldnt suggest you to go to those since they're these occasional places we go once in a while that happen to be full of russians :D. Food places..hmm....when im out with friends we either buy something to eat from the shops or we go for pizza/chinese&indian food. for chinese/indian the best ive liked so far is Kathmandu Hill. In the downtown theres the Shoping Center called Kaubamaja/Viru Keskus, thats the place where ppl like to hang out(for whatever reason i dont know :D ) There arent that many food/drink places tho. Hard Rock Cafe is a nice place. Perhaps Club Hollywood for the clubs if you wanna go. if ur coming by plane theres another shoping(ffs is it written with 2 p's? :D) center near the airport called Ülemiste kaubakeskus. Probably the place u dont wanna go to is the northend of Tallinn, it aint that bad but its known as the ''ghetto''? of Tallinn. Have u also planed where you're staying when u come here?
Thats Great! I will stay clear of the Ghetto's!! Hotel is booked, can't remember what its called but its a cheap place so we have more money for beer! Thanks for the info I can't wait to get out there!
hmm, hopefully u didn't book a room in Hotel Shnelli. its ok if ur using it just to sleep. but i find it disturbing that its near trainstation. its nicely close to The Old Town.
After some heavy nights of drinking we will sleep like we are in comas!
hope u enjoy ur stay :P if u need anything then ask :)
Lessons in Estonian? XD
haha :D i can teach you to write but the pronounciation is gonna be tough :P
Well things like please, thankyou and hello always seem to go down well
well actually you can get amazingly well around Tallinn with just english.

please - palun

thank you - aitäh (gl with this one :P)

hello - tere

bye - head aega
Yea but its a bit rude going to someones country and not even learning hello etc If you came to the UK I would expect the same as Im a laz englishman
agreed. well it depends how someone looks on it. i wouldn't mind if a foreign tourist speaks in english, if they'd speak something else(eg. italian) i'd dislike that. aslong as u know some simple words(as in hello/thank you) its nice. and would be quite impressive if someone who has never said a word in estonian would learn to pronounce words like that :)
Well where ever I go I always try and learn the basic words, I might even learn how to say can I have 10 beers please :P
hmm.. if u can pronounce these letters - Õ,Ü - the rest is easy :D

i suppose u can say: kümme õlut palun.
The only way I will learn to say these is the day before I go you come to my vent and say them to me lol
haha, record them and listen during the flight :D
any useful tips for taxi's or public transport?

edit: Sorry to trouble you with all these questions lol
trouble? na, my day was so boring u helped me out :P + its fun ^^

well taxis here are pretty well known by taking alot more money than needed and public transport is pretty shit tbh, busses are ok, trams/trolleybusses are old :P there are few taxi firms that are bigger - i suppose those are better. i think its better in airport but if u come by ship there are so many fake taxis at the port. :P look for yellow mercedes - there should be written Tallink on the side - they might be the most trustworthy or then Tulika - white opel astras with this little yellow logo on the sides :P.
Thats great oh and whats your currency? I have this rule for when I got away, what ever the taxi driver says half it. Also comfim how much it will be before you get in. Do the police carry Guns? Are they nice people?
currency is EEK, 1euro = 15,6EEK, 1pound = 19,7EEK. so its rather cheap. the getting in fee is like 35EEK. You dont see police moving around on the street on feet that much. mostly cars/bikes. They got guns but why should u be worried bout that? Few policemen are nice but some havent been layed for bout 3 years so they're quite grumpy :D
I don't want them to shoot me! Wow that is cheap! One beer in the uk costs £2.50-£3! I can't wait to go now!!! Whats your national drink?
^^ depends where and what type of beer u buy. average beer cost is between 12-15 EEK :) in pubs you can buy for 20/25
Thats still quite cheap! About time you added me as your buddy, I was going to add you at some point lol Whats the best beer?! I will drink anyhting but I always prefer to drink local beers when I go away!
uh. probably the most famous beers that have actually gone outside estonia are made by Saku( and A le Coq( i dno if ur into dark or light beer. id say Saku Kuld(both dark and light are nice) Presidendi Pilsner and Saku on Ice are drinkable. also most of the A le Coq ones. just depends of the shop i go or to whos party i go :D ppl got different tastes.
I really like Dark beer so I will have a lot of that!! On the Friday when we arrive we are going to do go karting and on Saturday we are going paintballing.(We have not just come over to do those my mate is getting married in september!)
:d sounds like fun. some places the owners of the karting..erm tracks? are abit bitchy :D like when i tried going past my mate and he cut me off, the owner started yelling at us :D
Oh no we will be screwed as we are quite agressive people when it comes to sport. I will win of course im like Lewis Hamilton on the track!
nah there are normal places aswell. just i remember the one(its out of town so np4u :D) where they got mad when we started to play around. sounds like ur gonna have hell of a nice weekend :P
Yea its all paid for all I need is beer and food money!
top gear is great :)
i bet they dub over it with The Hoffs voice or w/e just like they do with everything else in yermany
im dutch sorry :P
ah ok i forgive u then
liked hilux part most
I dont think this season was as good as last seasons, but still enjoyed the last episode - especially when "James" was racing the touring car driver :D
i'm so fckin curious to who the stig is tbh, the guy is such a good driver... :)
well if i heard correctly, jk said something about how he drives that c63 very good so stig could be someone from dtm
rumors say it's ben collins :)
Well on wikipedia it says
QuoteOn a separate occasion, following an accident involving Richard Hammond in September 2006, the Health & Safety Executive report into the event recorded that Collins had "worked closely with Top Gear as a high performance driver and consultant"[6] and had prepared a briefing for Richard Hammond preceding the event[6].

sounds like it could be him
i have already searched it extensively
such liezzzzzzzzz!
loved the last ep :) Best thing was how they came flying in with spitfire's xDDD loved it
Yeah was really funny :D, and May shooting Clarkson in the tank :D
stop spoiling!!!!
stop ur whining i've hid it!
go die you poohead!
i might, but its still ''SPOLIER'' :D
wtf is your point? its a spoiler is it not :S
QuoteYeah was really funny :D,SPOLIER[/u]

see what i mean now? :D
have you realised you can click it...
d' saying u spelled it wrong u gimp :D
rofl and when the arm of the soundguy came lose xDD epic
season over already, unbelievable :/
Was a good episode :D
best episode of the season for sure, lol'd when hammond screamed in the suit guys face after his race
Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only, but all BBC iPlayer Radio programmes are available to you. Why?

what use is it to restrict these things(bbc iplayer) to locals only?
Dunno m8, maybe its to do with the rip off license fee we have to pay every year to watch bbc programs here. Heres a link if you still havent seen it...
already seen it but was just wondering that. ;)

e: do u have to pay for bbc programs on top of ur cable bill?
Yes m8, £139.50.per year on top of sky/cable just to watch bbc.
But we get ITV, 4 and 5 with that money.

Oh and 1.6% of our taxes goto the BBC aswell!!!
The license fee pays for BBC only, ITV, CH4 etc are payed through advertisements.
CH5 suck! :D
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