woot linux #2

well yesterday I was able to instal ubuntu 7.10 and play mp3 files (how hard can it be to play mp3 files by default :S).

so I went on and installed all updates and went to ubuntu 8.04. Today I was also albo to get the ati drivers working (fglrxinfo kept saying I was using some mesa shit)

I also managed to install wine and get on my BNC with mIRC (damn Xchat wouldn't let me use other ports then 6667 :S), I tried to play ET with wine but it sucked (max 20 fps, no sound) so I thought wellt hats prolly because it's wine.

So I installed a fresh ET on linux and started playing.. yeah sure! still max 20 fps and no sound. And I get kicked for intigrety #20004 every time (and yes I updated pb, pbweb + pbsetup)

I know the sound thingy shouldn't be to hard to fix (saw alot of tutors already), but how come I have these shitty FPS? In windows I have 125 fps stable on most maps and linux isn't even able to pull out 20.

And I lolled about the people whining about vista, linux is even worse with permissions and even less things work as they suppose to.

YES! finaly got my side buttons to work of the MX518 :D, well atleast in FF, now lets try if they work in ET.
irssi :<

also, sounds like your graphics drivers or something is totally fucked if you are only getting 20fps...
i know , i also had ubuntu for a while , 3fps on oasis
ubuntu sux anyways D:

edit: i have got on a debian machine with nvidia graficcard+drivers ~ max.230 fps.
2.0ghz, 512mb ram, geforce 4400ti. so it isnt THAT a good system nowadays... ;>
havent tested sound, because i got no speakers for that pc... :D
never used ubuntu for a longer period, I dislike it's windowish look&feel while being bugged ;) but as for sound you probably have other programs using it, you could try solutions listed in point 7 in a linux tutorial: http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=tutorial&mode=item&id=48 (the et-sdl one - described as avalanche's solution there). And as for graphics it's the most probably graphic driver issue. You could try downloading them from ATi site: http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.html.
thnx now I've atleast got sounds in ET, but FPs are still fucked up.

And the drivers from the Ati site were the first I tested.

But maybe I fucked up when trying to fuck that mesa shit and tried several drivers.
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