R.I.P Computer

After 8 years or somethin...

my pc died,... 'big fat screen slowpoke', 'Teh slowest loader', or any other names my friends used at lans,...

First my cd drive died, then my dvd drive.. i bought a new cd drive and he was healthy again..
A few years later,.. i bought 512mb ram =] to make my turtle a bit faster..(still teh slowest at loadingscreens at Generals:ZeroHour etc
And now,.. on 28-7-2008.. RIP Dell Dimension 4400!

googlepicture: image: 97384-21088b

And now,.. i bought a laptop from the university im going to after summer =] , check: http://www.icto.tudelft.nl/lopende-projecten/laptops-in-het-onderwijs-io-tbm-3me/specificaties-laptop/

you found it funny? :D
i found it rly good..
they should take it to american idol ^_^
you be a funny jew
How sad, im gona cry now
same as my PC, it is a pleasure to play with 512mb :|
brb crying
i dont believe you
RIP Dell Dimension 4400!
pretty decent laptop ur getting to "study"/play games
RIP Dell Dimension 4400!
QuoteA few years later,.. i bought 512mb ram =] to make my turtle a bit faster..

ahaha :DD made my day

seriously, gl finding new comp lineup
R.I.P =(

hope he has a better life now :'(
srsly laptop's from TU delft suck + their support sux aswell. Well dunno bout the new ones but couple of m8's of mine bought laptops from the TU and they kept overheating and being generally slow... But gl to you with the laptop anyway :P
Hmm.. my brother has other stories =] Hes using it for a couple of years now with great service :P.. but ok, they choose different laptops every year so maybe this one will suck/rule. And ill try not to watch porn & play big/addictive games like world of warcraft.. i wanna keep this one fast and clean for my 'Industrial Design Engineering' projects xD!
hehe yeh, it depends on the year. They put some heavy duty math programs on tho, which take up a lot of space ;P
What's with these crappy journals one after another?
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