yawning players from your server easier?

Dunno if anybody will found it useful, but as I haven't heard about linux yawn client, and I was usually playing on my own ET server, I wrote a small&simple php script which was displaying who is playing on my server with links to their yawn. Today, as I was a little bored tbh I rewrited it and decided to show here, as maybe somebody will found it useful (dunno, maybe somebody will:) ). Oh, and yes, I do know the so-called "layout" looks ugly, because there isn't any at all :) Wasn't needed for me.

Static example: http://trakos.pl/yawn/example.html
Script itself: http://trakos.pl/yawn/yawning.txt
style.css: http://trakos.pl/yawn/style.css

Just renamed yawning.txt to whatever.php and change the three variables there: ip, port and passwd (it's the rcon password obviously). Should work :)
there is linux yawn client, google
you just owned him so bad...

this has a lot more uses outside of being a replacement yawn client for linux...

i think im even gonna modify it to log everything... which would just be awesome
Well, if you want to change something in it you could drop me a line @ irc or sth, I'll gladly help as still nobody to play ET with, all gone away : P
nixcoders have loads of scripts too (perl and some others I think) which are useful/similar to these ;p
Hmm... haven't visited their forum for some time now.

Anyway I've got some perl scripts around my server too, but they are... well, I don't like perl :> Maybe it's the fact I haven't really coded in it much - just a few scripts - but it feels kinda... sloppy - for me. Maybe I'll look there later, maybe some ideas on how I can add some features will come from reading it :)
They did revamp their site a month or 2 back so they *may* have disappeared. I remember there being a script where you can locate where a player came from by pinging them or something too :>
hehe, true :P
but anyway sometimes I want to see full yawn, so np.
And anyway it's a few minutes work tbh. Ofc it took me an hour xD

I found one from 2003 but with note that:

Note that YAWn! Linux is for the old YAWn! service, there is no Linux client for
the current YAWn! service yet.

and for rtcw. But I will keep on looking ^^
there is no linux client :----(

you should code it!
well, got to think about that one
yawn sucks still dont get why ppl use this
show me the argument. all i see is a statement but my engrish sucks
this is... awesome!

gonna test it now :D

news imo
NickGuidPbguidIp"; foreach($players as $pid => $player) { $nick = $player['nick']; $ip = $player['ip']; $guid = $player['guid']; $pbguid = $player['pbguid']; $os = $player['os']; $len = strlen($nick); for($n=0; $n<$len; $n++) { if($nick[$n] == '^') { $newnick= substr($nick, 0, $n).substr($nick, $n+2); $nick = $newnick; $len-=2; } } echo ""; echo ''; echo htmlspecialchars($nick); echo ""; echo ""; echo ''; echo htmlspecialchars($guid); echo ""; echo ""; echo ''; echo htmlspecialchars($pbguid); echo ""; echo ""; echo htmlspecialchars($ip); echo ""; } echo ""; ?>

is what i get D:
You have renamed it to something.php ? And have php on teh server?
It's strange, I've just checked it to be sure and simply made cp yawning.txt yawning.php and it was working, so... hmmm...
you could just set the stream to blocking and skip the sleep tbh
Yeah I know it should work, but on my php version it wasn't working, it was waiting for 2048 chars... or dunno for what, simply blocking... so at last I've changed it to nonblocking and made a brute solution with sleep... maybe I'll look into it later again, maybe I've got something wrong with my php config or something like that, haven't updated it for a long time. Anyway, with a brute solution like that it's working on all version AFAIK, so not a real problem I think ;)
I first thought that this script would kick players with a red yawn but that isnt true. maybe you can make a script for that.
oh well, you know, it is possible, but well, that's what server streaming is doing, right? If you're streaming, you're also receiving the new bans list and banned players can't join the server. Ofc it doesn't kick ppl who have some connection through various pbguids and etproguids, but that cannot be achieved easily and sometimes is not really that person so... it's pointless to script it.
you got a point there:P
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