gfx card fuckup.

my gfx card is doing weird, i have like purple/green stripes on my screen, can barely see what i type here. It all started 2 days back when i took the card out to check if my mainboard was compatible with another card i got from a friend of mine, but it wasent. So i put my gfx card back in its slot, and the issue described above started. I have already reinstalled drivers, installed newer drivers, installed older drivers, booted with no drivers at all, still the same shit.
Is the card physically damaged or is there any way the issue could be fixed?
U made sure its slotted in firmly?
yep several times
I think some physicall damage..
I hope it wasn't expensive.Obviously damaged.
got it from a friend like 3.5 years ago :D:D
it may also be the slot that's damaged, have you any other graphic card to check if it will work normal? Other then that it sounds like you have damaged in some way :/
Graphics: Radeon 9600 128 Mb

Time for a new one
Try the drivers, considering you placed in the other graphics card (if I read correctly).
you dident read correctly
can i ask how your mouse pad preforms?
get new one
get new one ...rly
Buy a new pc with pci-e, k thnx
maybe your pipelines are fucked , u can try to disable them with drivers like rivatuner etc
Wanna come and check my pipelines?
:'( Thats not very nice
I had that @ my 9800XT after it overheated, something has melted i think. couple days after the green/purple lines it broke down completely so you should get new one :P

PS. my journal when mine died, can't rly see the purple on the screenshots but i reckon you got about the same :D
wanted to get a new pc anyway.
i think that could be overheat yea.. check fan or something.. or then memory or something.. you didn't remove anything else than gfx ?
lol, nice bashing ur gfx card
had the same before my gfx died one week ago :(
might be dead then :(
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