My happy journal full of happy thoughts.

Hello, this is My happy journal full of happy thoughts.

so this is what happend to me today
i was wandering outside when a giant came to me and took me up in the sky and threw me down, he kept doing it and it was quite boring. i told him it was quite boring and then he got mad at me and rawr'd and threw me in a giant toilet and then flushed. OW OW i also saw a rabbit with wings that took me everywhere i wanted to i asked him lyloawozl can you get me back to the giant? the rabbit said no but i can take you to beverly hills and i was like lol np beverly hills is ok, so after 30 mins of flying we arrived in beverly hills. it was quite death but there where zombies with jetpacks hunting me down. so i asked the rabbit lol rabbit there are zombies with jetpacks here take me to mt.everest and he took me there, where i found a dragon btw. i named the dragon albaziorak. and albaziorak was like where do you want to go? and i said home cause i was tired. and albaziorak rawrd and burn me with his flames cause he didnt agree, so we flew around till we saw some cats and dogs playing in a factory where they produce chicken flavoured cats, they were really great, albaziorak ate 5 chicken flavoured cats. can you believe that? so anyway albaziorak got tired and went to sleep. so i went into the dessert that happend to be close by. i was walking and walking, but then i met the scorpion king and he was like quick come into this hole with me there is a sandstorm coming and i went into the hole with him and there were monkeys with golden necklaces and i got scared so i shouted albaziorak come and get me but he didnt come and get me so i was stuck in the hole with the scorpion king who owned me at evrything we did. after 18 hours i shouted again: albaziorak come and help me, and he came i he could bring me back to the toilet so i went home and the giant tired to kill me but albaziorak killed him with flames and i took the toilet into my house cause it was nice and it looked expensive

and yes im bored

Dosh says:
too much wanking

Dosh says:
im not happy, so im not gonna read it, sry :#(
new best seller!

edit: logs = ban enjoy your points
not logs, statements where i just added dosh says:
MSN is illegal in yugoslavia so dont lie
must be belgian
Off to bed, 4am. ;\

gn :o
lucky u :< too bad i iz delivering newspaperz in around 1 hour :DDD
i read first line then i got sad so i stopped =(
allow me the question are you mentally disabled ?
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