Tech Support please! FIXED


I'm trying to make a computer turn on but it wont! It was briefly on but the monitor didnt get any signal so I had no idea what was happening. About 60 seconds later it was off. The light on the motherboard is on, so it is powered but other than that it's buggered.

Any ideas?


Thanks - was the seating of the cable from PSU to Mobo. fckin DHL :(
Buy new computer, Spot !
i had same prob with my old one, i dontm know for sure but i thing your hard drive is broke

edit: take your comp to repair or buy new one
arent there any "beep" signes/codes ?
buy a new one i think,, untill then keep using your dell laptop
your harddrive might be broken, had same on my old pc - light was on but didnt react, when i opened the lid i noticed it had..erm whats the word in english..burnt through?(not rly sure bout that expression :D)
If I were you I'd try to find out what was broken.. Open up the damn thing and try some other RAM-modules, they have a tendency to fail like this. Same goes for the CPU.
so its not even starting bios?
no doesnt get that far, ive reseated everything to no avail
well, in that case it appears the only solution is by testing the components individually and maybe in another system :(. See if bios starts when you remove hdd etc..see if you get any beeps when removing component, which will tell you those are at least being recognised by mobo.
It sounds at the end of the day it could be something simple, or it could mean delving deep :(
gl m8
at teh end of da dai
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When this happened to me, my graphics card was loose, just pressed it down a bit or re pluged it in its slot and it worked fine.

edit: not sure if it turns its self off as well.
Last time when my computer didn't start it was the DDR places that didn't work or activate. So if you have more places for them try using some of the others, worked for me!
don't know what the problem is... to see if the hdd is the cause of the problem, you could try to unplug it, boot the computer, go into bios, and then try to boot from a cd, for instance. if the problem persists, i guess you'll have to try to make a diagnosis by disconnecting/replacing components one by one until you find the culprit (see plekter's suggestion).

of course, you might want to start off with simply cleaning the case and the motherboard, just to make sure that dust isn't the cause of the problem.
do the old way. try with the 3 core components (MB, CPU and RAM) and build up slowly until it stops working again and bingo you found ur problem.
just take a sledgehammer and smash the shit out of it, if it makes no sound after that it aint working = best method!
funny cunt xD
anyway good luck :>
Power supply fucked?
Pretty sure of that.. I got same problem last winter.

And that fucked my motherboard...
if you don't even post then it's definitely something with bios, get your motherboard manual and find how to reset cmos(it usually involves just using a jumper), if that doesn't help try taking out the bios battery for 15-30 mins

to be sure it's not psu, check if all the fans are spinning and see if you can hear hdd spinning also

don't get why people post stuff about hdd if you can't even get the bios started
he could try that, but if you dont get post it doesn't mean it's definitely something with the bios. If anything is broken that is hooked to the motherboard, it could also lead to not getting post. Some mainboards alert you with beeps, but perhaps it doesn't even have a speaker attached to it to beep from.

could basically be anything if it doesn't get into post.
if it's a newer bios it should give out an error code but still post till the part where it encounters an error because it first checks itself and then the basic hardware before it does the actual tests, I've just recently repaired a pc with close to dead motherboard and dead ram which still posted at least something

most often dead cpu and motherboard will lead into not posting, everything else including ram should post until a certain point

of course he should first try to boot with removing 1by1 component before being 100% sure that bios/mobo is faulty and should definitely get a speaker connected to the mobo
could be anything mate. Take as much out as possible. Connect just one HDD, one stick of mem and the vidcard, but leave everything else (including external usb devices) disconnected and try again. If that doesn't work, try switching the memory stick around, and if all that fails, then just give up and bring it back to where it came from.

Acronyms are great.
dunno, get a laptop :-/
good luck tho!
The absence of beeps suggest that Sol is right -> power supply is not strong enough to give power to everything inside. Buy quality 500W power supply, it's relatively cheap.
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