Help me Crossfire

I met a really really hot girl at the weekend,there was no sexy time,but was close.
We exchanged numbers and I sent her a text message,she replied once and was pretty cool.After that she didnt reply,im thinking she is still half interested or she woulnt have replied to my message at all.

So here is my options,

A. Spam her with text messages
B. Wait for her to text me
C. Call her and breath heavily down the phone
D. Text her again she might not have recieved the message,or she takes more work
E. Forget about her,plent more fish in the sea
F. She doesnt like you,she just knows you will be her slave

Now i must remind you,this is the hottest girl ive ever been in contact with,she was very very flirty,and i was told she really liked me.

if she is really interested in u ,she will reply even if she didnt get the msg
Call her, thats the very best way.
Yes but would it not look to desperate after she didnt reply to my last message? I tinks it would.
its like when should i come to the party?
come late or early what ppl would think !

you have to understand this

lets say after a party you think to yourself "omg i wonder what they thought about me"
thats what they do ! they are to busy to think what you thought about them, then what they thought about you :~D

gtfo call her and ask her out :~>
after all girls see that as a compliment :~>

now i must go brush my teeth
im always fashionably late
you only call someone to ask her out
yes but read my reply to knAs
ye but check my reply to you :~D
call her
Just because you have no balls and like little boys with pink bottoms
i would choose C


maybe E

and R
finish your bust list please
Retard.. go back to 4chan
that makes no sense
Retard.. go back to 4chan
typical new/b/ comment
Retard.. go back to 4chan

cant handle a joke btw?
i think your the one who cant handle the jokes fab
how long does it take to reply for her now?

id say either she wants you to write her again (which would comfirm her that you seem to be interested) or she isnt drunk anymore^^

wait until she writes back, dont be a pussy and make you look like a fool beggin for her :s
She wasnt drunk really,we were out till 10 in the morning and she was sober by then :D
well then call her tomorrow. i wouldnt write a msg, because if youre talkin to her on the phone she doesnt have time to overthink what shes saying... xD ask her if she has time ze next days ^^
Call her and ask if she still wants to see you :) I think girls like that when you've got balls to call them and talk straight..
maybe she has no credit? unless its contract phone
well, then ring her since she doesn't need credit for that, and say hi been a few days since we spoke lets go to the pub! :DD
if she's a red irish nice girl

G. pm me her phone number :DDDD

anyway for me D
no man she is amazing,best body in the world
cut the crap...
i must have a holiday in ireland :D <3
depands on when u send your last text message, if u send it the day after, it is not good, just wait 5 days and sent her one with long time no speak ;) i missed u blablabla and that crap
Waited 3 days np
sent her one tomorrow,, should be fine :) trust me,,
call her to go out or smth, you get ot know how she feels about you from her reaction ;)
just call her, ask her out, no harm done
C definetaly

no serious: phone her
B, you don't need her, really!

if she cares, she'll text you.
Take into account everyone's advice on here, and do the complete opposite
Call her ! and ask out TBH! :O
Call her and tell her that you just shaved your pubichair and your ready to do some sexytime

that will turn her on fire
raep / hero
kill yourself is better way

......for her ofc
A. Spam her with text messages
No, don't act like a stalker.

B. Wait for her to text me
I think that she isn't that interested in you, because she doesn't reply on your message. But wait a while, until tomorrow or something, and send a message again.

C. Call her and breath heavily down the phone
You do can call her, but don't act like a fool :D

D. Text her again she might not have recieved the message,or she takes more work
Best opinion, send tomorrow a message again! Tell her about your feelings for her!

E. Forget about her,plent more fish in the sea
No, don't forget her, maybe it's your true love! <3

F. She doesnt like you,she just knows you will be her slave
Maybe she doesn't like you, but first date her that you're sure she doesn't like you!
Depends what you text her the first time and what her reply was.

Imo B is the best, leave it a few more days...
CALL HER AND GIVE HER MY PHONE NUMBER !!!! but srly call her m8
ahahah I lolled at the C option :DDD
just call her but with talking, or if you are too shy, text her again. you've got nothing to lose ;)
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