another fm journal


my team 2012 :D
you will get owned hard
w00t 1st
gtfo with Ronaldo
true, he's a fag, bad character will always make you lose
yea madrid n barca keep bidding about £40m for him, but i negotiate to £65m and they fuck off!
Real needs to keep their debts at - €300 million, lol. Seriously, he might seem a good player, but he has the mental strength of a 5 year old. If you buy him, you better have 10 extremely good teamplayers.
Brilliant game:

image: f_1m_b3d8164
Now again, I have around 18 shots and they 3. Yet I fail to score until I receive a penalty in the 87th minute. I score, I think "Fuck Yeah" and what happens in the 94th minute? Yeah, a goal from the opponent from a distance of 20 metres.

Thank God you can quit without saving in FM 08 (wasn't possible in CM 01/02 :o)).
have u installed the lastest patch?

If ur hanging on for the win in the last 15min the com team goes 424, just go ultra defensive, maximum wide, and pass down both flanks. and time wasting to maxium. usually i score doing this :D or just defend it out.
Yeah, I have.

And well, I don't like changing my formation in-game. Takes a lot of work since I have to change everything again because FM assigns the stuff to the position, while I assign stuff to a specific player (what his position is at corners etc.). So I usually just ragequit when I own the opponent but don't win.
yes, that happens to much its obvious
Ctrl + Alt + Del -> End Task solves the problem when I play these kind of games that always want me to save :).
Yeah, but that's so much work :P
Yesterday i had a match with atletico Madrid vs getafe or something

I litteraly had 23 shots on goal and they had 0

score - > 0-0

Attackers : Forlan , Aguero , Reyes , Luis Garcia , Maxi Rodriguez , Briand etc

not bad but dude whats up with the tactics? i swear thats like the stock formation xd
silva is so fucking ownage, had him 3 years in a row, footballer of the world, best player, best midfielder also twice topscores of spanish liga & 1x CL :DDDD, try him @ AMC tbh

[edit] image: naamloosmo8
n1 cheaten met spelers :P
Year: 2009
Budget first season: 18 mill


buffon min 40 mill +
Garay around 15 mill
Touré around 20 mill
Ronaldo around 60 mill
Aguero around 40 mill
fabregas around 50 mill
Torres around 45 mill
chiellini around 30 mill
Pablo around 20 mill
Amauri around 30 mill
Cani around 15 mill
Montolivo around 20 mill
Marchena around 10 mill
Basa around 8 mill
Briand around 8 mill

so around 391 million and thats with low player prices.

Sinds u were champion last season I guess u had some players then aswell :D

So I guess u had some editor fun or there were allot of new managers around
Marchena is valencia aap
true that, cant have that team without cheating tbh
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