KaL's feed #2

The post about cheese by sjaszczak reminded me of this:

A man walks into the bank and asks his bank manager for a loan to start a business. The bank manager asks what sort of business does he want the money for.

"I want to start a cheese factory", says the man.

"OK." says the manager, "Where are you planning to build the factory?"

"Cheddar" says the man.

The manager points out that there is already a well known 'Cheddar Cheese' and to come back with another place to build the factory.

A couple of weeks later the man returns with the same idea.
The manager asks where he wants to build the factory.

"Caerphilly". Says the man.

Again, the manager points out that there already is 'Caerphilly cheese'.

A couple of weeks later, the man is back again.

"OK", says the manager, "Where you planning to build the factory this time?"

"Israel", says the man.

The manager looks up from his desk, rather interested.
"Hmm", he says, "And what are you planning to call the factory?"
To which the man replies...............
"Cheeses of Nazareth".
this remindes of of
image: img_4f6d8b7297b9460c798d8f72860c349d
You look at my school and you wouldn't want to go there anyway ;)
e.g. English literature consisted of fighting, listening to music and paper aeroplane competitions :/
same, oh and chemistry is all about pulling pranks on the teacher, once we put an mp3 player with some erotic sounds going on, we put it in the locker and when the teacher came in we turned the mp3 on.... teacher going nuts, and we all got an afterschool :XD
great success1!!
I was just looking at this image again, and I could say both of us were right though :P
It just depends on where the brackets are placed, because it could either be (2+2)*2 or 2+(2*2) :{
* always come before +

there are no ()...
Obviously there weren't any brackets there, but you could still do (2+2) * 2 which gives you 8 T_T

Look it up jewboi
i know but there isnt () !!!!!!!!!

what i give you, you need to follow the rules
* comes before +

final !

lol im a jew lolol
lol you're a jew lolol
so fucking what?
"pidar gtfo jew die in gas chamber"
lol jew's answere LOLOL

lol it's jew flag lolol
that flag pwnz
Nice one ;) I love the blop jump xD
Attention whore
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