good morning vietnam.....

erm crossfire.
I have a day off today!
What are you doing?
iam desperately sitting at the pc, remmebering the times when i could play games. care for me.
What have you had for breakfast? I need inspiration edited for loekino :)

np: 23. discharge - [hear nothing,see nothing,say nothing #01] a hell on earth
amagawd! 4 and half hours of work still, then got free day tomorrow so my weekend is really close!!! :D had pancakes with icecream for breakfast :))))
I've worked already for 5 hours, now I'm going to listen some music & wait to paly paly (ET) . This afternoon, I'll go swimming.
Let's go swimming in the water, let's go swimming in the pool <3
the water is too cold to really go swimming over here :S
don't act like a pussy, just jump into the water :(
14 degreece outside, water has 8-10 degreece, have fun :D
ok, why is it so cold? It's is even hot in BELGIUM omg?!
iam living on 1800 meters in the mountains ;)
So your connection on ET is like, polish?
i have the best connection in europe.
strange, but nice ;)
System Of A Down - Lonely Day
I've just been sitting in the sun for over an hour cuz i fell a sleep.. before that i also slept a bit cuz i need to be fresh and fit to go to my shitjob where i have to work in temperatures over 30 degrees..

as breakfast i had some sandwich with Nutella Choco at my mates place.. and within 15 mins i'm gonna eat something hell i know what.. but before that i will eat a small slice of SALAMI cuz it's fucking guud!

anyway bb ;)
plzzz koe, you should get your own weblog!
I fucking totally know.. maar mja ik schrijf enkel useless crap over mijn 'REAL'life als ik tijd en goesting heb en da komt maar sporadisch (lolled) voor
like when you have no time and being bored and you went to tell your extremely interesting stories bout your real life?? yes i know ;)
admit you enjoyed lisning to them as they totally made no common sense at all and i rly fucking hate to write english when i could simply talk my native tongue hahaaha this language rules suckssssss donkeyballzzzz anyway i'm off gg wp bb
you're right you should pm me on irc next time niggah! ow and i especially loved your hedgehog story<333
Just woke up, gonna take a shower, get some clothes on and go play some console games with friends and host a game of Lord Of The Rings Battle For Middle Earth 2 so we can all play on our laptops/computers.

i also have a day off, got back from work @ almost 3am. now i dont have any money until tomorrow so i have to survive on bits and pieces of food until 2mz

prolly museli for breakfast

also i got like 10000000mb fibre optic DSL connection installed yesterday but i cant buy the expensive router/modem until 2mz ;<
my breakfast was a russenbrezel(russian pretzel :DD)
image: Russenbrezel_26
for lunch i'll get some spaghettis and afterwards i'll go to the open air bath :)
mit bissle phantasie siehts aus wie kotze =D

reminds me to the simpsons epidsode from yesterday: "the pretzel wagon" :DD
wtf ich will ja nich wissen was du so bröckelst, aber meine kotze is nich so hart! :P
kennste etwa keine russenbrezel?:o
ne noch nie gehört^^
wtf mann wo lebst du :S
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