mormons ??!!

Is this actually what they believe? Im too lazy to look it up in google

The "story" is divided in 4 parts (sometimes there is advertisement before the film starts):

part 1: (3:07 minutes)

part 2: (2:42 minutes)

part 3: (3:31 minutes)

part 4: (4:20 minutes)

i hope you have fun and a nice day.
they have a holy dildo aswell
you cant speak like that in public...
and strap-ons
oh ye i loved that one xD
all hail Odin
The almighty Zeus will smite you for such blasphemy!
Imagine a world without any kind of religion, what a wonderful place it'd be.
probably you are right..
Most of the time religion isn't the real reason people fight. It mostly comes down to more simple things like "one has more than the other" or "one is different than the other"
more simple things? "you believe in something else than me..." sounds pretty simple to me.
imo religion in combination with the male sex is THE reason for people fighting
u sound like a woman omfg
religion is idiotic. Where's the god ? Behind clouds :D:D ?
Just because you are not religious doesn't mean that it is idiotic. The basics of a religion is that it's something you believe in. So there's no proof for it, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.
why ? Because you belive in Adam and Eva :D ?
Mostly people don't actually care what other believe as long as it doesn't affect their own stuff in a negative way. Look at all the "holy wars". Religion was just an excuse to conquer other countries/regions and suppress them.
its called "Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory" "!"
dum dum dum dum dum
why not? The Nazis didn't need religion to attack almost the whole world, did they?
there are a few reasons why hitler attacked, 2 of em are the WW1 and jews...
watch "napoleon dynamite"
probably an over simplification of their religion , but yeah i guess that's what they believe in ;/
its the same with every other religion. a nutjob getting recognition through support of the government, which takes the religion as a meaning of control over the stupid majority of people.
That's just as credible as Maria's bullshit story. "Hey honey, I've got good and bad news. The bad one is that I'm pregnant and you're not the father. The good one is that the father is God himself! Is this awesome or wat"
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