jo0f wut

if someone wants him busted then demo or it never happened.

innocent till proven guilty.

also make the debate here. couple of teeth beat out, some pregnancies and a scenario is ready for a movie!
watch demo's of jo0f at cdc and watch demo's of jo0f now online
keep in mind that now he plays with a far more skilled team than back then
and you'll see that his aim is more or less the same, only a bit better now because of the pracs
you won't see any obvious things, and if you do so, plz tell me =)
FiF coming to CDC? :o
we were at cdc4 and we'll be definately at cdc5 too
ohohoho, so thats why he shoots at walls?
plz ...
lets come to a lan by yourself first, before accusing a player who confirmed his skill on lan
didn't see his skill on lan
as good as keNta
well, he was as good as online at that time, he just improved to his current skill by playing pracs and offis with us
demo or it didn't happen
aimbot hmm I could respect that opinion although he hasn't

But wallhack? then you need glasses
I know you were at CDC4, I even played you guys^^
Just wondering if I'll see you there again :>
You wont qualify
there will be no qualifiers, and if there will be qualifiers, I'm quite sure we'll qualify tbh
well laik 3/4 yesterday bremen allies xD AT LEAST
... joof sucks
:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD how lovely atmosphere we have here! :>
barbon more obvious than joof (not saying he hacks, but was just odd =) )
wow you are one hell of a whiner
very kind people here, i'll answer with the same
joof isnt very skilled i dont get it why ppl think he cheat
idd, we are skilled ! he's not
eey u still going to lan ?
yeah if nothing come in between but im expecting to come
leuk man kun je al je nerde vrienden ontmoeten :D
ja en jij bent kanker grappig de enige nerd hier ben jij kanker tjappie
mmmmmm totaal niet eigenlijk sorry, maar ik snap je wel cdc5 word het leukste moment van het jaar voor je en ik loop je een beetje af te kraken. ik zou ook boos zijn als ik jou was ;)
hahah ja je bent wel stoer man en grappig en ik ben niet boos hoor ik lach al1 om kanker sukkeltjes zoals jij
goh je moet je wel vermaken dan
He? What happened?
they came to cdc, and you not
here's the jo0f philosophy

1.) Jo0f is a supergood aimer, better than mAx and mystic combined and possibly a cheater.

2.) But he has the balls to go to CDC

3.) You don't have any attendings on a LAN

4.) Therefore he's actually an amazing aimer, since he has the balls and you don't.

5.) ????

Nice reply skills, and do you have any idea what you're talking about here?
he doesn't cheat at all you'll see it soon enough if he goes to cdc5 and there you will see nothing obvious @ all
he is not good xDDDDD
lio:gl j00f, mijn excuses heb juist een cdc demo bekeken van jou en zag veel gelijkenissen, das gewoon een nieuw talent ;DDDD nen nieuwen nolifer nen nieuwen aimbot nen nieuwen onmenselijken aap, ge zult wel nog ff moete spele voor een biest te zen zenne vriend

try to find translation and take an example of that

and no chosen I don't want your +5 warning points
In english?
think of it as it's in english, you'll see enough similarities
i didnt find him impressive tbh.
aphesia: wukas en chamire komen naar cpc2 met een bontkraag en een pyama broek.

wel ive played against joof many times and he has done things that are humanly impossible. im not talking about 5 man kills in a row by skilled aim im talking humanly impossible. coming out of the tunnel on SD with a call made by myself saying hes already 3 players are all looking at the tunnel from west,depot gate and the east tower. now joof runs out so hes visible by all 3 players who crossfire him. the kid kills all 3 within 2 seconds and comes out with over half hp. 2 seconds is not an exaduration its the time the 3rd guy died. killing the 2 guys infront of him is possible yes but flicking 2 the guy in the east tower and giving him 3 headshots a split second after giving the guy at west 3 headshots.

<Nyke> nice hax
<jo0f> fuck off

also FiF vs impact. gg joof getting highest damage vs impact and beating reload by 600. o and he was a cov ops half the game...

next game the kid cant even aim because hes turn it off and on grush hes got 25 xp after about 6 minutes... come on
fif vs us he played with sten 15mins and he did 102hs :) but i dont think he cheats
cut ur whine, ur worse than waki .. just spec him at lan if you're there, and then start to whine if it's needed, even beat him up then, seriously djeez
fragarea 3

last frag

102 hs in 15 minutes... thats 1 side of a fullhold 102 headshots... thats 7 headshots a minute. and if he gets fullspawned sometimes that now goes up to about 9-10 headshots a minute. thats fucking insane.
wow, very impossible

come to cdc aswell thanks
thats just totaly impossible
the thing is.. we will see at LAN... if he has a skill drop i wont trust fif anymore and ill just stop playing vs them but if he plays good (as good as maus did on i think it was cdc4) some ppl have to face a weird truth..

outdmg everybody in a game against impact seems so unreal... all those guys like reload and stuff play for so long nolifing it for ages (not anymore) and have played an unreal amount of matches against the highest skill on the highest level.. mmm
dude, that's not the point, they are no gods or so :D
only mAus and others like him are, as you said
he shot more the most dmg vs impact indd, but mostly (in praccs) it's not joof who has the highest dmg, there goes ur theorie :<
kinda funny then when he starts outdmg everyone and cant do that in praccs :D
he does that, but i mostly have more !
Imo he doesn't hack, just a decent aimer with campaim style. Not that hard to get loads of damage and hs if you play for it..
wel its not effecting me anymore since i dont play ET much and im qutting very soon. just feel like flaming the most obvious person in the ET scene at the moment.

cant wait to go to uni and leave this shit behind rofl. but flaming obvious cheaters passes the time quite nicely.
people like impact have played this game since it came out years and years ago. constantly playing and have become the best of the best. joof has come from nowhere , nobody knows who he is and suddenly o0 he owns everyone. 99 % of people that come out of nowhere and noone has ever heard of and they own everything hack.
then he's with the 1%, btw learn to reply
eat a vegtable
I'm not a fucking fatso
funny how everyone sais joof and worm are obvious and u defend joof :). none of the others do jsut u do :(
i'm obvious? :DD
worm is too cool to hack
Worm = obvious? :D
I lold.
Uh, I have already seen him playing many mixes (played vs him and with him) more or less long time ago...
i just remember the fif match vs kreaturen and joof's sten-skills on bremen, which were quite impressive (maybe even supspicous but no proof for cheating yet imo).
which match are you guys talking about now?
their talking about fif vs impact
but as said before, if u see his demos of cdc u'll see his playing style is the same just better aim now, which can be perfectly normal with a better team and more prac :P
wow, someone reasonable from artline
:D well it's like this, if he was playing exactly the same but his name was mAus or butchji we wouldn't think he was cheating... we always judge ppl by his name which is wrong =]
wow, someone reasonable from artline
a man of many words aint you xD
thx for thinking like a man with brainz
jesus christ and joseph shiz u have to be one of the biggest hippocrates in ET. ur constantly saying that hes hacking and now u say that. plz shiz

hope u dont do stuff like that irl :) say 1 thing to a person then suck up to someone else by saying the opposite to get respect. god people that do that in real life are low :)
nah just changed my mind about it, was thinking about it in the way i said up here, if his name was butchji or maus u wouldn't care if he did that
wel tbh i dont care anymore just wanted some flame to go down to pass some time. but dont think it would surprise anyone if he was
ye i actually meant the fif-impact match (with joof @sten on bremen). it was just a mistake that i wrote "kreaturen" acutally ;o
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