DotA team

Hi there noobs, retards and flamers,
I'd like to know if there is someone , actually 4 or 5 , who are willing to try some more serious dota than pubbing since I'm like a pub-rox0r0r. Also it sucks using supporting heros on pubs since most of the players are even worse than me playing with my balls without taking a look at it and eating some burritos.
Of course no-lifers are prefered :D
msg me plx :<
why not? don't you feel the love? :<
play some gathers. Pubs kinda suck. #dota.gc
ya i know also played some matches on us east and west but I wanna play with a team :P random is just nothing comparable like gather was in et. It was funny but sucked and was nothing like a real clan war. Anyway your chan was really appreciated :D
i cba playing in a team with noobs

actually i cba playind dota anymore at all

but i can teach you how to play better if you want
actually I can't improve without a team :/ since the teamplay is mostly fucked up in gathers/pubs and I'm already training my last hitting. Also I improved my moving and some little tricks I learned from the US guys. If you got anything to teach me besides the things I told ya, feel free to tell me :D
i've got lots of things to teach you probably, if you really wanna learn you can msg me on irc #lobbyoflove
rofl dota ezmode ty
maybe but I really like it <3
got a pickup account?

successfully played pickup?
Okay. I am avi!:D
lolloolo faky :D still remembering the flame we had like 1 and a half years ago? in esl 3on3 xD was quite funny. So what type are you prefering? carrier , supporter or ganker? :>
I am kinda supporter, well sometimes I feed because of the fact that I don't really know every hero. Some Heros I am pretty good but sometimes I totally suck so ye.
:D maybe you should play more often to know all heros. Anyway I'm also playing supportive heros since they are the most funny ones imo :D
faky usually has 1-17 stats and is feeding the whole time -.-
XD nice nice :D are you playing in or what? coz in its IMPOSSIBLE to have negative stats =(
bnet, yep ;D

Bougth wc3 1 year ago to be able to play there ;D since gg had most leavers and maphackers back than ;D
bnet was nice to learn the game but its totally boring when you just got the slightest clue :P
lol gg most maphackers

i just think you weren't very good and the people were better in gg, since bnet has absolutely 0 maphack protection, you can use any hack you want, and garena has very very good maphack protection, 90-95% of the maphacks are detected.
also bnet has far more delay + leavers than garena
gg has no maphack protection intention, u wont get banned their for using maphack e.g. since this is nothing personal there, same for bnet, clients as dotaclient or other networks offer maphack protection by banning this users and try to track them.
Though, known public maphacks dont work on gg anymore, doesnt means u r old enough to rate my abilities
ur so fucking retarded, gg has maphack protection, and a better one than dotaclient.

everytime anyone argues with you, you resort to personal insults.
like meez said
"forfeit win by ad hominem, damn i love myself"
little nerds like you shouldn't be admins
ggclient has no protection since it doesnt track the user, its the same calling pb a useful protection. Without pbbans/psb+yawn it would be nothin.
Guess you have to learn some more stuff in your life b4 u can discuss
are you fucking retarded? if he gets banned as soon as he turns on mh, he gets kicked out of game or fatal error'd and then banned, he can make a new acc if he wants, but he still can't use mh. stupid fuck.
use your little brain, you're the kiddie here.
Well ye Bnet.
have you tried to play @ garena?
Yea I played there. Most of the players are good but i really want a team to heavily increase my gameplay :D
right, playing w/o ventrilo is a handicap nowadays..=)
na not even ventrilo or anything. It's basically that you can have some nice games but there are also games where most of the players just want to have good stats and don't care about the teamplay and everything. That's why I really need a team to actually get into it faster :P
Dotaaa eh dotaaa <333 best game ever
Let's play amico!
no time for paly theese days =(
#streetfighters - serious dota business!
serious oder serious pub-ownage? :P
serious pickup business
dota sux donkeyballs
ask perfo or gambit!
u're in my banlist for beign retarded child + leaver... lold! :D
xD really? since i don't use laska in bnet Oo it was already taken :F
oh i though it was you :<
maybe it was me don't know xD but I'm not using laska on bnet :D
ok laska...
remember me? =(
under the name of lavus? :o
no under the name of Germany toxic?
ya noob xD wie gehts so du opfer :P
: D jaja ganz gut außer das mein pc schon voll lang kaputt ist ^^ aber erstmal führerschein machen :D und selbst? ;)
FÜHRERschein hab ich scho ;D und ansonsten najo geht scho ^-^
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