Internet fucked for many weeks after utorrent is closed.

Hi, after using utorrent (a torrent program like bittorrent or anustorrent) my internet remains fucked badly for many weeks afterward. Can any network specialist explain to me why this happens (in details please).

I share the internet with the neighborhood. There is a central server for this neighborhood that assigns me an ip, my external ip however is different. I had a similar problems when I used to be connected directly to an ISP trough cable connection. These were helped sometimes by resetting the modem and router.

I'm sure this problem is caused by utorrent, and not by the internet being clogged up by the neighbors internetting. Cheerios
how does that work?
well it work when everything in your life is ok then it's fucked up.
reset your router >_<
Edit: It might also be if there is some kind of limitation of bandwith, so if you download a big file via torrent, you only have a very small amount of bandwith left for the rest of the month, so your internet starts lagging.

Dunno else.
wtfffff so many bullshit in one sentence
not really, if I overuse my internet (rape a torrent site) my ISP fucks me up for the next day or two with shit connection. so I have to time it well.. :O)

I also have no limits, just too scared to phone and complains about it! :D
same, all isp does that, but usually unplugging and plugging routher works :P
thats what you get for defending gnajda
Lol you fool, I never defended him.
My friend had same problem after using utorrent.
I remember him downloading utorrent back and adjusting those network settings.
If I remember correctly it was caused by connections attempts on the open port that is used by uTorrent even after uTorrent has been closed.
i also have the same problem, if i keep utorrent up and close it, inet is extremely slow
a small routher reset solves it
your utorrent is set for accepting to many connections and the router cant handle that many connections so it goes bananas
ok now i understand, this means I have to dress as a monkey and eat my router right?
Fuck you nerd and get the fuck off the internet. I guess you're just to stupid to understand my reply.
Hey! dont be rude you dicksucking antilope :< You said it goes bananas!
I think it's time to try out the new ignore function. Cya nerding on cyber
lol i see you have developed into a full force flamer since you started your new life at crossfire :D
I see that you have developed in to a complete retard since you started with ET.
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