Few ideas for crossfire

Few ideas for Crossfire:

1) Give people the option to upload their own flag to their profile, so the whining about adding flags is over.

2) Create a new feauture enabling people to create their own cups on this website, would prolly give a boost for ET as well :>

3) Let people make their own colorschemes / give the option to let people embed a youtube movie in their profile.

4) Contributor of the month, every month an interview or smth with that month's top contributor to the site.

5) Give the option to enable/disable all these sidesections (other news, poll, journal, articles, etc...) and also make them movable/resizable.

6) A pbbans cheater stream, where people can see who are the latest busted cheaters (ofcourse grant the option to filter games).

Dno maybe I'll add more later...

Ps. For all the people rejecting the flag idea because they want the gamestv ipcheck thingy, can't there just be added a "real country" feauture at the profile, where it shows someones real origins? That way you can have your personal flag, and still get dissed on your country of origin.


Too cute to be legal:
image: 2372685-Travel_Picture-cbs5Kissy_Kissy
1) agree
i ll add one

6) get spree banned
if you do all this
crossfire will die :(
ppl will have so many rights

with the flags we should do like gamestv so everyone get their own flag...
:p you probably misunderstand me

I'm not saying the flag ppl upload should get in the general flaglist, but people should be able to upload their personal flag for theirselves if they like to :)
i did understand you
and it will be more easier to use gamestv flag method :~>
cuz u can't just check every profile, if there is a racist/porn or movie/flag in it? so 3 and 1 are shit
that's the same already at the moment dude :/ people can add all that shit too at their profiles now, so that point won't change :>
with a link... actually not the same
pictures / animated pictures?
4) Contributor of the month, every month an interview or smth with that month's top contributor to the site.

Interview? What would you talk about exactly.. And by contributer, I hope you mean people who write articles/match write ups etc as opposed to the tards who spam crossfire all day, hoping that one day they'll be in the top 3 crossfire spammers at the end of the year.. :|
Ye, I mean real contributors, for example themebuilders, gfx designers, news contributors, etc...

the serious ones ;)

And what could you talk about? Just the general interview (interview is just an idea, sort of hall of fame). See it like an employee of the month, but then also enabled for the general crossfire user. This would probably motivate lots of people to help make crossfire a better place :)
Nice ideas
agree with them besides 2 and 5.
why would someone want to disable the sidesections? that's the main reason people come on the site to read peoples threads
Because some might not be interested in the polls, or the forums, or the columns, and they want to keep the size of the site compact :)
There's nothing wrong with the size of the site. There's no need for someone to delete/disable sections of the website to be honest. 1,3 and 4 are reasonable ideas.
ok that's your opinion, that's fine :) but I wanna bet many other people would like to be able to change the website-layout. You don't have to use it if u dont want to :P
Maybe, but i dont think the admins will go all out to try and add that feature if they dont feel it will be worth it.
true, certanly cuz its written by me they'll just ignore all of this, but it's still fun to write a journal full of these ideas ^^
It's not that. It's just admins have worked to get this site up and running, allowing people to post contributions. dont think they would add a feature that disables what they have worked on lol.
some ppl are taking this site way to serious.
agree @ 1) 2) 4) 5) 6)
its a kiewan pic!
1) Autoflag by IP
you would also lose your heart flag
Why not remove all flags expect the one for countries
isn't the pink stylesheet enough? it makes crossfire even more retarded then it already is :D
2 sounds good
1) Give people the option to upload their own flag to their profile, so the whining about adding flags is over.
nooooooooo, i still think removing all the useless flags and only having the normal ones is the best
Quote2) Create a new feauture enabling people to create their own cups on this website, would prolly give a boost for ET as well :>
good one
Quote3) Let people make their own colorschemes / give the option to let people embed a youtube movie in their profile.
wont happen..and too useless
4) Contributor of the month, every month an interview or smth with that month's top contributor to the site.
Quote make a poll instead for the most contributor, and interview him

5) Give the option to enable/disable all these sidesections (other news, poll, journal, articles, etc...) and also make them movable/resizable.
still...wont give any benefit or something
QuoteA pbbans cheater stream, where people can see who are the latest busted cheaters (ofcourse grant the option to filter games).
you mean whenever someone gets kicked the ppban will report to a "logo" or some place with the latest kick? dono...should be added "latest 10 kicks" or something

how about a google advert, whenever they open a journal, google pops up "Did you try me yet?" :O money + less spam!!!
Journal Ignored
i thought i ignored him?
you cant ignore his journals :D
1. No need to have 100's of shitty random flags.

2. Clanbase already has such a system.

3. It's a gaming website there is no need to have youtube videos slowing down the site, and there's a few colour schemes to choose from already.

4.Would last about 2 months then die like King of hill!

5. Not a bad idea i doubt many people would use them tho.

6. Not really needed imo!
well peoples hates cb so much, and id prefer xfire to be the offical site instead of CB 6 is needed ! and the 4h there should be a poll, and by the end of the month / week there should be interview with him

5th sux!
thats the attitude!
there's a difference between crossfire and myspace,.. lets keep this
1) That won't happen as the amount of bandwidth that would require would be silly as clearly people would abuse it.

2) Again, would be abused and the cup software used for the XF NC for example is simple to be updated/used via any of the current admins.

3) People do already make their own colour schemes and if you look at your profile under the edit option a few themes have already been added, you'll have to learn how code works if you want to edit further.

4) Considering the vast majority of the community doesn't contribute anything to the site, it seems a bit pointless. Even the people who do contribute don't do it regularly. It could be a good idea for journals, at least that would improve the quality of the content people post, adding an incentive for people to actually think and put some effort into their journals. It's been mentioned before though by the admins.

5) A lot of work for little reward. They will never be made resizeable, that's certain for sure. Maybe the option to hide them like our content filter could be implemented but again, a lot of work for little reward.

6) A cheater stream won't be added as you mentioned, XF don't want to give those cheating kiddies the attention they crave and I'm sure the other admins would have a similar opinion.

The IP flag check has been discussed for a very long time I think, but using different flags is a freedom users are allowed/love to do, so it would be harsh to remove that.

These are just my opinions on the matter, going from experience and what I think the other admins would say. I could be completely wrong. :P
crap u are right @ 6 :<
4) make some [+] [-] system which would push down spamjournals and keep good journals on top for a longer time

agree on all the rest. When are those new flags going to be uploaded btw :)
good idea with the + -
It works really well on ESReality.com, Digg, youtube, etc
That has been suggested but you know as well as I do the kiddies would just spam [-] until their mums shouted for them to go to bed. It was also suggested that some sort of "monitoring" system was introduced so that anyone who did spam [-] or [+] could be automatically admin'd/warned if they reached some specific limit.

This discussion went on for a while I think and I think the idea was abandoned in the end as it would be just too much effort in the end. :(

The idea of awards or recognition seems a better idea, as it motivates people to improve their journal quality themselves, which removes a lot of moderation work and doesn't require fusen to code the whole [-][+] system.
[-] isnt used on ESR for obvious reasons (meez and other trolls).

I think the main reason xfire doesnt want [+] cause there's a huge difference in what John Doe likes on this site and what stuff xfire admins want to see on it.

Its an old discussion. What made xfire so big? The braindead journal spam. What do xfire admins want? A site that looks more professional and a site which has more content rather then bs.
Yes yes, SEIG HEIL! We are Nazis etc.

No but seriously, I get what you mean. XF admins do have a huge influence over a lot of the content posted. We do tend to "nudge" it into the direction we are currently most involved in (I say most involved in as apart from myself, most of the admins work/help for other sites based on new games/communities) but we've never actively discouraged any content posted.

I also a lot of your comment is based on the whole ET:QW thing. I don't really want to massively comment on that but personally, 90% of people knew the game wasn't very good. Reading comments constantly flaming the game was just plain boring. Not to sound too harsh towards the game but it was just kind of stating the obvious. :P

It's a never ending discussion to be honest, I myself have a number of views about XF and the road it's gone down but in reply to the whole [+] idea, I think it could work but it would be nice if we could incorporate some originality into it as well.
The ignore feature is a good start, why not expand on that? It does exactly the opposte of [+]

-change [Ignore Comment] into something more convenient
-dont show ignored users journals/forums
-put the ignore button next to the users name, instead of in profile so ppl can more easily manage their ignore list
Just use [+] function, if it's often abused by loekinos or other idiots, just remove their rights to judge posts. Ez.
1) nah coz u can only upload 1 flag at a time, and a flag is only 5 kb or smth, and its only for yoruself, doesn't get added in the general flag list.

2) ofcourse you can use twentythousand websites for all kinds of things, but wouldnt it be easy to have this feauture on the largest ET community website, where new cups are constantly being made.

3) Not everyone is a coder..

4) Journals, news, columns, all the same, it should just all be counted in.

5) Why not resizable? (I mean only vertical ofcourse, not horizontal). It's not only little reward, it would be really userfriendly and help a lot of people keeping this site compact.

6) Could find myself in that, but people want to look them up anyways, might as well give a stream for people to see.

And about the IP flag check, maybe you should read what I wrote ^^ I said people should be able to upload and use their own flags, or just pick from the flaglist, but also they should have a note in their profile which states where they come from n stuff, so you'll satisfy both the fakeflaggers and the wannaseerealflaggers ;)
5) I assume by resizable windows you mean a possibility to decide how many journals, news, other news, interviews etc you can see at a time? I think yeah, it could be quite useful, same as enabling/disabling sidesections. But I hope you don't want to resize it in some dynamic way, not by a setting, but just like Windows' windows :D ? That would be way too sophisticated :P
no indeed, what you say :)
1) Why bother adding the flag if it's only for yourself then? What flags are people really going to add that are unique and describe them? Most of the custom flags people made are shit, simply because the image is too small too actually see any detail. It also gets to the point of people not knowing what the fuck your flag is, which is....pointless?

2) Any cups get posted in the "Other News" section, linking to the sites of each respective cup. Most people will prefer it that way, as if a site or MGC runs a cup, they don't want someone else's software/name all over it. You could argue that they could all be "entered" or "grouped" into a section of the site like we have Journals but that's what already happens in other news really. :P

3) Well, as I said, fusen has already added two themes people can edit via their profiles. I'm sure more coders will give him access to their files, so be patient and more themes will be added. If you aren't happy with that and want to completely customize the page tough, this isn't bebo.

4) It's not all the same. Each contribution category is completely different and require different amounts of work and commitment. I do agree to an extent that more merit needs to be given to good contribution but that for me would only apply towards the journals as I feel that would increase the general quality of journals and require a lot less moderation from the XF admins.

As for the other contribution items, if it's a good piece, people comment most of the time saying so. If the writers aren't contempt with that then they are clearly seeking masses of attention, which is a bad reason for contributing anything on this site.

5) It's exactly what I said. It would be a lot of work so that people can just alter the sections on the left and right of the site which are hardly "intrusive".

The easy options would be to "hide" the content they contained and would work similar to our tags already on the site. The other option would be a filter system I already mentioned.

6) People are free to do so but as I said, giving kids an incentive to get some "fame" on this site is never a good thing, so it will never happen, trust me.

As for the IP flag comment, don't be ignorant. I did read what you wrote, you just can't seem to understand my point.

Some people don't want people to know where they are from. I don't see why that's a problem. It's not a rule nor a requirement of this site to state your true nationality and if it was an issue, admins can easily check IP's to confirm a true location if it's needed for some reason.
g2g now, but ill comment on this later since your obviously just thinking of random shit now to refuse my ideas :DDD

replying tomorrow
You made a journal asking for peoples opinions, I'm giving you mine. Just because I don't agree with much you said, doesn't mean I'm doing it for the sake of it. You've got to remember, the admins (not including myself in this by the way) have been talking about ideas/concepts to improve the site for years. All the admins are experienced/intelligent XF users, so 95% of the ideas people come up with have already been discussed and ruled out for some reason or another.

That's exactly the same with the suggestions you posted. I didn't make those reasons up on the spot. None of the ideas you posted are new to me and have already been suggested by an admin/user of this site at some juncture. If you also noticed, I tried to help you change/modify some of your ideas with some positive criticism, based on the original responses I gave so that some of your ideas stood a chance of actually being implemented. Most of the input I gave you wasn't personal preference, it was based on experience from already discussing these matters at extensive length as I mentioned above.

No wonder people think you're a fucking douche if you completely disrespect/discredit anyone who takes the time and effort to reply/give input to your contributions. Most people will just bypass this journal, just because it's written by you and if that's how you reply to people that actually give a shit to the stuff you write, then no fucking wonder.
just read above this dude, I also told some other ppl that I respect their opinions, but what you're replying isn't an opinion (well, maybe driven by it), but just thinking up arguments to counter my ideas.

you won't agree with that though, /care
teh pic > the ideaz
look @ the tyyrd journal there is my special idea ;)
make a special section for cups
1) no. i don't like all these fake-flags (<3 france)

2) oki sounds nice

3) nah cba to see even more youtube-links which noone cares about anyway

4) if top contributor just means MOST journal or w/e it's pointless due to crap-journals. if it means high quality news/journals or w/e the award will always go to the same 10 persons. ouh and i doubt that anyone really cares about the interview (or maybe it's just me, dunno)

5) oki np here even though i personally don't have a problem with the way it is right now.

6) useless imo since 98% are random pubcheaters from a random 3rd-world-country or with a new guid.
Most decent contributors end up being admins o0
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