Truth behind trailers/new games

I could type a lot of text explaining what I mean with the title but
this reviewer will summary everything up about what's going on with the
current games and what to expect of games like Wolfenstein or any other upcoming title.

And This is what you need to see.

<3 That dude and his reviews!
<3 Zero Punctuation

Bestest reviews on the internets
95% of this community doesnt have the english skills to watch this.

I know it's difficult for you to understand that kinda English, but just give it a try, you can do it I believe in you.
Arent't there any subtitles or something ????
it's izi after u played some mixes with uk guys =D
Pictures, oeeeeee
<3 Zero Punctuation

Bestest reviews on the internets
so true :D
lolled xD
he's kinda right about most of the games he reviews

this was one was kinda spot on
rofl : D
New Jesus \o/
when he calls a game "playable", its possible one of the best games in history
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