Ignore Feature

I really like this feature, but atm a lot of journals end up with one or two comments and the rest being spammers who i put on ignore. I understand the [+] is harder to code, and on crossfire its bound to be abused.

So why not expand this ignore feature. It does exactly the opposte of [+] and its more tailored to ppls preferences (meaning both spammers and srs bsns members are happy)

This are just a couple of brainfarts:
-change [Ignore Comment] into something more convenient, just the user nickname is ok.
-dont show ignored users journals/forums
-put the ignore button next to the users name, instead of in profile so ppl can more easily manage their ignore list
-dont get a msg in your inbox for replies from Ignored users
lolz pls
They are working on it at the moment.
who is they?
only fusen :D
do u ignore me aswell?
thx, now i feel well
any happier?
you are a god :)
imo xfire should recruit overdrive as an admin, atleast he's got good ideas!
yeah and why we don't have an online stream with all bust avis made by you?
youre going to win the place of being 1st in my ignore list soon
ohh well like i would care
But i like calling admins nazis :'(

ps: everytime i saw ur nick so far i was tempted to ignore you, but you post cheater posts once in a while
Who do you think suggested all the changes?:O) epic thread in the admin forum...
its not really that epic...
It is compared to the other threads :v
i do have one question though, can admins see users ignore lists?

im also going to formally suggest either a "share ignore list" or "export" option so I can syndicate better with fellow misanthropes like overdrive!
I can't seem to - I should imagine fusen can within the internals, but not I.
I dont use the ignore function myself ( not yet ) but i can imagine that it is annoying to read all the Comment Ignored shit.

Therefore i agree with your ideas overdrive.

What exactly do you mean with the [+] tho? i dont really understand what u mean with it.
A plus in brackets
Stop Ignoring everyone then and just to the ones you hate most

Fucking hard to solve that problem

Next up World Peace
well before putting ppl on ignore i go trough their latest comments, and most are just spamming bs in every single post they make
Point is its your choice to do so, Just scim the comments like I do.

The annoying and the n00b ones only register for 0.09 of a second

Which is why I had to look at Cuppers reply 3 or 4 times
its pretty logical, you(not especially u) whine about something, and when they get it, whines from other sides are poping up :p
It should be possible to add whole nations to your ignore list :<
they will just end up faking other country
could be fixed with my new invention, The Belgian Detector
mm he really didn't think this through - it's just creating more spam...
I may not be able to ignore, but I can ban...
How about automaticly adding penalty points when someone tries to write "Comment Ignored"? Of course the amount of points should be random and somewhere in between 75 and 150.
I know you're ignoring me! :(
Or what if I put all admins on ignore? Local anarchy?
If I can't see them, they can't see me!
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