bug or estaloth is gay?

Hi, I got a problem. Or maybe I dont have a problem.

When I'm sitting with that glass of wine here I came to conclusion that all the time Estaloth is on my Last Visitors list.

There are different people coming in and out but Estaloth is always at first place like he has just viisted my profile.

I wonder whether it is a bug or it is Estaloth who watches my profile all the time :)

I start to fear that when I come to study to Warsow in October, I'll get raped by him in a dark alley...

Hey Hi Hello
its a bug.. because he is offline and i visited right now
wow you are right :D just visited too
its a trick! hes trying to get his visitors up D:

im on to you!
lol i was wondering about same thing in 2 days ago :D
are you trying to get profile hits or sth?
haha i was about to say "thx for profile hits" but honestly check, i have no hitcounters and stuff^^
I like honest guys
Admit that Onespot in cheating.. :D
He's clearly busted at PBBans, i never said its a bug or smth :)
never experienced smth like that...
you said it like its some serious issue :D
i dont rly now:) i am drunk an i just felt like postin something at xfire, sry:)
look at mirror, you look like typical nolife, it allways make me smile :XD (especially when i'm smoking, so everyday)
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