install help

ok guys. Im a total noob in windows and stuff.

So yesterday i downloaded rtcw (torrent) with keygen and all the like.
When i tried to install it said to me that i didnt enter the key (before i didnt even have the possibility to enter a key -.-) and that the installation is aborted...

I just thought: image: wtf_cat.jpg.w300h371_HeOTTJstzM5Z

i searched for a readme but i didnt find anything. So i opened the autorun.inf and there is written the following:

Quote by autorunshit; Smart CD Autorun Launcher
; by Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Krueger
; <[email protected]>

; Enter the registry location of for your application's App Path entry under
; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. InstallShield creates this entry with the call
; RegKey="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\YourApp.exe"

; Should application be started automatically if it is already installed?
; (Boolean: 0 or 1)

; Specify absolute path to your main setup program. The drive letter (with
; colon) will be prepended automatically
; You can also add command line parameters. Example:
; Run=\setup.exe
; Do not use long file names!

; Specify your setup's window class. Required to prevent launching of multiple
; instances of setup if CD is removed and re-inserted during installation.

; Additionally specify your setup's window title (optional)

You see my problem? I dont get what it wants from me oO

Could you please explain that to me in normal understandable english

Would be very nice
read the readme
unistall it and install it again, and dont choose multiplayer
were there other files at the torrent file? like patch?
i cant even install that game, because it says i didnt enter the key. After the installation shit says this, the installation is cancelled and the problem is i dont have the possibility to enter the goddamn key.

There are 3 patches but i guess i can install them only if the game is installed.
some games are uploaded cracked, means u dont need to use crack and/or keys for the installation
this upload could of been damaged
suits you good, poor guy can't buy a 5 euro game
omfg gtfo if you dont have something useful to say
your violating copy rights
he isnt...
he downloaded a illegal copy of the game and using a keygen
yup thats true but thats not copy rights
what do you call it then?
if he publishs rtcw as his own game, fbi will hunt him
urs = pirate or something :d
you can't buy it anymore imo...
oh please, you can...
then tel me were zeh internets?
steam, and like 1000000000000000000000 online stores
Why dont u just stfu?
fuck it i dont want it to download again i want to know how to install that crap. ^^

I cant update it because the update cant locate the game at my pc (logic since its not installed)

and i dont get how to install with this super leet readme
get the iso here:

then try to get some key. Not sure if using a keygen is a good idea.
why? im not going to play online and afaik they cant check if im using a keygen or not
I meant most keygens rarely work apparently. Only sp? WHY?
keygen worked. I played some years ago the mp and was a bit disappointed

But the sp rox and i wnated to play it again
wtf you have downloaded? use normal iso and find yourself a key
enter your key in registery np
how, plz explain im total shitnoob :D
Quote by manual; Smart CD Autorun Launcher
; by Dipl.-Ing. Stefan Krueger
; <[email protected]>

; Enter the registry location of for your application's App Path entry under
; HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. InstallShield creates this entry with the call
; RegKey="Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\YourApp.exe"

; Should application be started automatically if it is already installed?
; (Boolean: 0 or 1)

; Specify absolute path to your main setup program. The drive letter (with
; colon) will be prepended automatically
; You can also add command line parameters. Example:
; Run=\setup.exe
; Do not use long file names!

; Specify your setup's window class. Required to prevent launching of multiple
; instances of setup if CD is removed and re-inserted during installation.

; Additionally specify your setup's window title (optional)

that IS THE FUCKING MANUAL and i dont get it :<<<<<<<<<<
I don´t think you will need that...

Afaik rtcw doesn´t write its key into the registry (it´s like Q3 or ET).
I guess there´s just a simple .txt file which you have to edit...

Or just try to clean registry from all entrys related to rtcw and install again.
ok i will try this, thx in advance !
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