Notebook GFX (repost)


yesterday i installed BioShock , the game freezed while the intro was running with some weird colored pixel bugs D: , i didnt realy care so i uninstalled the game and ignored the whole action :p .... today my pc freezed while watching an youtube vid .. again some weird pink pixel appeared and i had to restart ... now , when iam starting a 3d programm dirx or opengl it takes 5 minutes till a small warning triangle "nvlddmkm.sys displayerror" with a followin bluescreen / system restart ...

i uninstalled the gfx driver / used also driver cleaner pro ... tried all possible new / old gfx drivers ... updated vista etc.... last driver gave me a mean hardware malefuncton bluescreen >:I dxdiag dont show any errors

Intel Core 2 Duo T7100 1.8 GHz 2MB L2 Cache, 800 MHz FSB

Intel 965PM

2048 MB, DDR2 PC5300 SDRAM, max. 4096MB, 2x1024MB

NVIDIA Geforce 8600M GS - 256 MB Chip/Ramtakt: 500/700MHz, +768 MB TurboCache

RIP gfx or just random vista/driver shiet ... any clue what i can do ?


Go to Windows/system32/drivers and find the nvlddmkm.sys file. Rename it to nvlddmkm.sys.old. Remove all drivers and install new version for Vista. It will now give you the proper nvlddmkm.sys file to match your drivers. This has worked for many users in the past worth a try!

this kinda worked for me yesterday was playing et / watching movies with out a problem for like 5 hours ... after i booted my pc today ... the weird pixel freezes are back >8( after 10minutes of idlin in a dirx game.

any1 got some new ideas or something tanx
look what to do, when the freeze happens again, watch the time that it happend, go to my computer -> right click -> manage -> double click Event Viewer ->check system / application logs and search for the ~time the freeze happend, and see if there is any yellow triangle or an red error, that should help you more with the problem
the evenviewer shows nothing.
watch the correct time it happend, it must give any explnation why it caused it
unexpected system shutdown at 16:44 ... woo! D: thats all
hm...maybe its a hardware problem then :P
i see ur as bored as me young padawan, but atleast this time u speak truth :o
it sucks tbh, has to run ET with sudo or I'll get 30 fps (with sudo 200) + sound probs etc etc

just doesn't work as it suposed to do, people can say it's faster but deff not better. It took me around an hour to get the ATI drivers to work. While in windows installing ATI drivers is clicking 5 times or smth and reboot, 5 mins of work.

some things works better in linux for me (such as wireless networking) but in general i don't like the way how they make it harder for people to use it.

+ that sudo thing is ridicules, you need it for almost everything, why not give root access directly? U only need user pass for sudo, not the root password anyway.
I also like ubuntu aslong I can keep using the interface and don't have to go to the terminal to do things which i can do with interfaces in windows.

Too much things are way too hard for normal users, thats why linux will never hit the large userbase windows has.
Quotesome things works better in linux for me (such as wireless networking) but in general i don't like the way how they make it harder for people to use it.

who is "they"? linus, canonical, the ati devs? tbh gnu/linux never was intended for ppl to be easy to use, we already have atleast one "convenience os" (although with apple gettin more popular we now have 2 big ones). just dont believe in anyones marketingblabla.

u got a top-notch operating-system plus tons of software to run on it, plus u can poke around with any part of it. if you want top performance invest ur time n see where the problem lies(since ur talkin bout ati i have a feelin bout this already).

ur post is not bout ubuntu/linux in general, if u'd know how to handle it u get the requested results in et. how comes i'm/was playin wolf/et on linux since release of mp_beach demo with nrly all kernel-versions with framerates being envied by many win-users on my budget-hw?

if ur unhappy with it, stay with windooze, but plz blame your personal problems on ur lack of solving them.
in windows those problems don't accur, so which OS is better?

I did the same on both, clean instal, instal drivers, instal ET.

windows = happy gaming (well after pb update)
linux = spending hours to get evrything work properly

I would say windows owns linux on this one. I get more FPS in linux thats true, but the time spended to get them wasn't worth it tbh. And linux is still doing wierd things sometimes which I need to fix, while I finished my complete windows instal in only 2 hours (with all apps etc).

And I wasn't even able to play mp3 files out of the box with linux, I think a operating system aimed at normal people with like 5 mediaplayers installed out of the box has to be capable of playing mp3 files out of the box.

And yes this are just my things about linux, other people can disagree on them what they want, it's what I noticed. And I don't hate linux or smth, I just think windows is better in general for 99% of the people.
Quotein windows those problems don't accur, so which OS is better?

in windows many other problems occur, so ....

Quotewindows = happy gaming (well after pb update)
linux = spending hours to get evrything work properly

"convenience-os" vs. real mens os ;)

QuoteI would say windows owns linux on this one. I get more FPS in linux thats true, but the time spended to get them wasn't worth it tbh. And linux is still doing wierd things sometimes which I need to fix, while I finished my complete windows instal in only 2 hours (with all apps etc).

linux is free like in free-beer. if u dont want to invest the time to get drunk then its ur prob.

QuoteAnd I wasn't even able to play mp3 files out of the box with linux, I think a operating system aimed at normal people with like 5 mediaplayers installed out of the box has to be capable of playing mp3 files out of the box.

this aint a technical but a legal problem that some distributions dont dare to put the existing and in europe totally legal codec in the distri. adding another repository to ur sources.list aint that hard though.

QuoteAnd yes this are just my things about linux, other people can disagree on them what they want, it's wh[9at I noticed. And I don't hate linux or smth, I just think windows is better in general for 99% of the people.

i just don't like generalizations on this toppic since its too complicated itself. and surely u have to find the right tool for the task u want to do, for the majority it seems to be an m$-solution. but plz dont try to take my freedom editing config-files in some terminal-based texteditor like "vi", this is my choice and the choice of the ppl developing it. plus it works perfectly for +30yrs now (referring to unix in general). u young punks just stay with ur "regedit.exe" ;)
what would you prefer if you realy want to get drunk? get drunk in 2 hours or first google how to get drunk the right way because the first try failed after 3 hours of trying.

Ofc you can drink a lot of beer if you pick the linux way :D

And it's just a personal preference to use linux or windows. I know I can edit almost evrything in linux, which is not possible in windows + linux is free (atleast most distro's). But I also know most things just work out of the box in windows, and if you know smth about computers you don't need a fresh install of windows every month (mine did it perfect for 3 years after I decided to format everything and create a dualboot).

And I just installed ubuntu to take a look since we did everything on windows at school, so I wanted to see if it was hard to use linux (only used some livecds before).

Alot of people blame MS for their own stupidity. If you know how to work with it it works perfectly, think the same counts for linux.
although id still argue bout ur first analogy, the rest u say i'd sign :> i just didnt like the
Quoteit sucks tbh, has to run ET with sudo or I'll get 30 fps (with sudo 200) + sound probs etc etc

it's all bout personal preference n the time u want to invest :> so i'd rather say after five hours of drinkin i can get so much more drunk than after only two hours ;)

dont get me wrong, i'd advise anybody with some interest in it/computing to have a good look at it, but if u dont like just leave it, there are plenty of other choices. atleast for me this os means earning my money n feedin my family, it does a pretty good job there n for my employees too it seems :)
well when I first installed it, I was liek wow wtf my wireless is working, windows needs special drivers for that.

Then I saw totum (ubuntu's mediaplayer) and I like the look and the option to watch youtube vids. But when I wanted to listen some mp3 I failed, was fixed pretty fast took me only 10-15 minutes. So that didn't matter, everything seemed to work pretty well when I installed all the codecs and stuff.

But then hell broke out when trying to fix the ati drivers, and I still don't get why I need to run ET with sudo to get decent fps. Smth with folder permissions? But I made myself owner of the enemy-territory and .etwolf folder so that shouldn't be the problem I guess :S

And I like the gnome gui, the menu's aren't such a mess as in windows.

I think if the ATI drivers were as good as they are for windows and it wasn't so hard to get ET working I would realy love to work with linux/ubuntu (based on what I've seen now). But for know I think there is still alot that needs to be done to bring linux to a place where windows is now, an OS every noob can use. (And don't say it isn't made for that, cuz especialy ubuntu is aimed towards the mainstream)
well, my home-desktop aint runnin on ubuntu (its on gentoo for ages),so my gaming-experiences there are limited, but at work it does. i dont rlly have an explanation why sudo might give u higher fps, prolly ubuntu starts processes of that user with higher priority. another reason might be different setup environment variables (u can check with typing "env" in some shell). if u would run kde instead of some lightweight window manager with default settings (turn of all those helper-"services" in the control-center), that might be another reason (although i wouldnt understand why sudo makes a difference here).

tbh there is a huge gap between atis windows n linux drivers. it's not rare to see ~100 EUR nvidia-cards outperforming atis high end cards easily. i wouldnt rlly blame the linux devs but ati for that (tbh atm nvidia got other probs here when it comes to 2d-performace of 8000er n 9000er cards, but thats another story, for et it's irrelevant)

QuoteBut for know I think there is still alot that needs to be done to bring linux to a place where windows is now

i dont rlly think anybody serious involved in the development of linux would want that. its another system, has other targets. on none of my servers u will never find a ms-os, if there is no specific requirement that forces me to do so. Bout Desktops this is a whole other story (although i personally use it for both exclusively).
well ET without sudo is like 30 fps and with it is 150 fps, so I think is has to be smth with user rights.
it always gets dangerous when i start talkin bout windooze, since i didnt touch that for ages (atleast on workstations), but afaik there is smth called "system file protection"(sfp) that might just restore that deleted/renamed dll.
install xp
drivers for vista aren't coded very well at all, expectet.
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