Flash amusement shortly after breakfast!!!

Chack out THIS sweet little flash game and do the boredom-be-gone by playin' it! It's awsum!!! (i suck at it tho)

random pic:
image: funny-pictures-panda-plays-the-flute

77k lvl4 fuck...
good morning :/
Hello to you!
kinda great music but i suck hard :v
Yeah music is awesome but my best attempt was 35k :S
67k :/ lvl 4
hi theduck, i died in second level and dont wana play it anymore :)
got bored and died at second level :1
and i thought there wasnt a game out there with worse hitboxes than et
Try aiming with the crosshair
No rly it helps, when you fly through them and the crosshair is not pointed at the star you won't get the points and you will whine about hitboxes but if u aim with xhair you just need a slight touch to get da starrrr
I know it helps but its kinda strange telling a guy who plays fps on a regular basis to "Try aiming with the crosshair ". ;)
Well, he whined about the hitboxes so I guess he didn't know that :P
lol im just listening to the lonely shepard song and that pic comes :P
ahah ahah panda playng on flet :D (in polish its like blowjob :d oww panda gonna kill me )
You sick basturd
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