ET / punkbuster problem

Hello, i am Thedew, i made this profile because i need help.... my ET is not working.....
When i go to ETpro server, i can play for while, and then punkbuster kick me and reason is

server disconnected - punkbuster kicked player 'xxxxxxxxxxx' (for 0 minutes) ...... RESTRICTION: Missing/Corrupted Windows API Function [131144]

PS. I use windows vista
Have you ever played ET on vista before or is this the first time ?
run as administrator

try to update pb
that link offers no help for that error...
that kick is from ETHook
it's also the same kind of kick if you don't run ET as administrator/in windows XP/98 mode i think
Quote by Thedow
PS. I use windows vista

you already found the error
no shit... sherlock i need help to fix this problem
get other os
Yes it first time in this computer.... its new.. and i am administator and my pb is updated
You have to get et/pb running with admin rights...
i thought theojew

any news from Bl1nD? he already should be back since 30/07/08 :s

E how to get 51 wp's?
bl1nd will be soon , i guess!

wp: pretend on being a retard, flame and do stupid useless topics = wp and i believe i'll see my profile in 1-2 months


about 1 wp, ask chosen :D
nice been a pussy and w8ing for blind like a chick

i only answered a question
dont vid_restart or else u will get this error
Why not vid_restart?
thats what makes this error occur

make sure you dont vid_restart and that includes your et loading twice when you connect to a server

there are some tutorials on this site that apparantly fixed it for some people but they never worked for me.
I have not download any kind of cheats and something like that
argh, how to fix?=
go to the search function, write " ET under vista" and mark the forum, articles, columns all except for journal, and look for few threads, they explain how to run ET under vista
and u cant vid_Restart while ing in vista, you will have to quit the server, vid_Restart and join again
Cant you guys help me... i never tried hacks...... HOW TO FIX THIS or cant you help me... right?
Quote by evenbalanceWe have confirmed that the DVD copyprotection "Alpha-DVD" can cause this kick. If you have recently watched a DVD (e.g. "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" for German customers) on your computer that installed this copyprotection, you need to uninstall it first.

Please use the following tool to remove the software
vid_restart before you are connected to a server
for a reason you cant do vid_restart ingame :)

problem solved, next one :P
right mouseclick on W:ET icon and run as administartor,
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