did i just fuck up?


there is a girl i met 2 weeks ago and since then shes been away in england. yesterday she just came back and we agreed on meeting each other again the next days. well she just wrote smth like "hey lets meet in 2 hours at bla but ive to go on a bithday after that." this sounds pretty much fucked up to me so i denied and said id prefer to go out with her, just us 2, on a day we could spend more than like 30 min together...

now as crossfire is know for its knowledge about such situations and im not sure if i did the right thing, i though id give it a try and ask what youd have done :D

go fucking meet her and show her u got interessts on her :d
go meet her and show her u got fucking interessts on her :d*
go fucking meet her and show her u got interessts on her :d \o/
?o? hoi2u mrs i can has laugh very loud :d
helloz mr i has to laugh when other ppl laugh!
xDD made me laugh again :D
show her your meat so she knows your interested in fucking her
just dont go to the the birthday
:D:D read again
y? :o

€ oh...yee...tell her then not to go

not..you did fine imo
stay at your computer
you did the right thing, tell her that you want to spend more time then half an hour!
call her while she's at the birthday for phonesex
well now she knows that u want to spend more time with her and not meet her in a hurry for some random smalltalk.
you couldn't play it better - my opinion
ask kitty
no you didn't fuck up
you should have done both!
omg just meet her and arrange the next meeting :X
show her that u're interested of seeing her anytime imo
In my opinion the best thing would have been to go at the rendezvous, and then to say her that you wanted to spend more time with her and all the shit you wrote.
birthday = party?
didnt have to be did it ?

if its a party then you fucked up she would of aske dyou to go with her and you could of shaged her + even if you didnt go to the party she would of been thinking of you.
as if we go to anythingelse than a party upon our age :/
meet her... then at the end say her that u want to meet her again... or write her again she shall come to you to look one episode simpsons and then u fuck her or not and then u bring her to the birthday
who said about 30 minuts, maybe she will go to birhday in 3 hours...
CF is the right place to ask
bestest pic ever :X:DX:D:
Dump that bitch, cause shes taking away ur computer time.
wanting a relationship?

in that situation i would go so i'd be on her mind after the fact


ask sock
Meet her after that birthday thing..

Ask her to go to the movie.. and after that go drink something with her.. And if your living at the beach go watch the sun going under the water :D

i know i'm a romantic ;)
it's the right thing don't worry

and if she doesn't agree on that then she doesn't deserve u :)
why didnt you went with her, and then manage to be alone with her :~>
ask sock, he's the womeniz0r
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