funneh jokes

A priest and an Aussie shepard were competing against each other in a quiz.
After all the normal questions were finished it was a tie so the quizmaster asked them both to, within a minute, come up with a poem that included the word "Timbuktu"

After a minute the priest was first to recite his poem:
I was a father all my life,
I had no children, had no wife,
I read the bible through and through
on my way to Timbuktu.

The audience were delighted and were prepared to declare the priest winner of the quiz when the shepard jumped up and recited his poem:

When Tim and I to Brisbane went,
we met three ladies cheap to rent.
They were three and we were two,
so I booked one and Tim booked two.

and ..

Three men, an italian, a spanish and a french are applying for a job
in England. Before the interview, they are advised that they will have to compose a sentence based on these three words: green", "pink" and "yellow".

The italian starts: "I wake up in the morning. I see the yellow sun. I see the green grass and I think to myself, I hope it will be a pink day."

Then the spanish gentleman:
"I wake up in the morning, I eat a yellow banana, a green pepper and in the evening I watch the pink panther on TV."

And finally the french:
"I wake up in ze morning, I hear ze phone "", pink up the phone and I say "Yellow?"...

you're welcome to add some of your own jokes aswell :D
second one is better imo
terrible. :<
first one is funny :D
I like em both tbh :d oh and its shepherd q;
Real 1.55 Duro :OOOOOO
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