Wanna make my own

I want to make my own Crossfire theme, but need some tutorials on how to do this (coding etc...). So, if anyone knows some good tutorials, please post them here.

Thx in advance!

Edit: Thanks Meez! <333

Awesomely random pics:

image: awesome
image: awesome
image: kirk-inspirational-awesome
Tutorials, you haz them???
ewa if u has make one let me have a look at it cus the current themes suck ;(
design it in photoshop and then get someone with knowledge of css to implement it for you


thx dude <333
i almost lost trust in englishman saying something useful...but nowim rehabilitated :D
where on the crossfire site can i actually change to my own theme btw?
edit profile, stylshit
i think its limited, i believe u can only change the .css (style sheet) not really the same as making your own design but im not sure - you'll have to check the firefox plugin that does it
make something good
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