Your summer job..

Hello e-buddies ;)

I am wondering whats your summer job? ..and if you actualy work in summer :D ? I guess there are many e-people who are too young to work somewhere.. but I still hope there are some guyz who actually do something nice for your own country ;)

I am working on project which took me already 1,5 month.. but i am enjoying in it ;) ..there are few pics of what i have done. Its almost completed ;P
(click on it to zoom)
image: ngbazen1a

Have a nice day !
im working at a supermarket, toting beer crates all day...
wednesday its all over :D
i play the sims aswell!!! nah nice project, im working 5/6 days a week at a hotel holiday inn as a cook, and probally im going to work there longer than only the summer
go too work you !
in 45 mins :) cu at 22.30 !!!
worked at a festival the last 3 days:
but thats all for the rest of the holidays, cause the club I usually work at has a summer break+ I'm going on a euro tripp with a friend for the rest of the vacation
Working at Aker Yards. Building the worlds bigest Cruise Ship "Genesis Oasis Of The Seas"
working at Piet Boon as Product Developer (just for the vacation)

btw what program is that? vectorworks?
I did the same as you, but I also built it, instead of just designing. back to work now, pics later o/
I work as a vampire during summer.
how was lestartit!? or you still there|?
hehe, nog chickas?
standard = low there :p
so you never see the sunlight, do you?
I think I seen you in The Lost Boys.
He's also got a cameo in Lost Boys 2
omg started watching that last night looked pretty bad?
I've not seen it :O did it look really bad?
I saw you in my back yard last night.
Are you implying I was mischievously stealing things from your backgarden because I'm from Liverpool?

i would never think, you'd be stealing anything there - you probably hid behind the bushes and observed perfo while furiously wanking.
omfg that is soooo usefull for ur country!!!
anyway i wanted to work and earn money, but i couldnt get job :<
whats up with that lone wall next to the "bazen" whyyyyyy
Hehe.. you found a wall where is gonna be a name of this house owner. I have still to ask him what he actually want there.. What kind of design.. etc
i was working supermarket
Red Cross
I worked during july in Dexia Bank (administrative work etc)
did that like 2 years ago, and it was the most boring month in my life by far
easy money tho :)
i got 2 jobs: 1 as cargo loader and 1 as bartender/waiter at park concerts
Shaken not stirred please boy :D
heh, a lot of people are whining about drinks lol, even if you get them what they asked they still find a way to be annoying about it, or it's just a cry for a attention from a sexy waiter^^
I used to clean glasses in a pub last christmas with some Polish guys, they didn't speak a word of English so I couldn't tell if some glasses where clean or dirty, I also got a lot of complaints :P
oh that's easy, just use the language of BITCH SLAPPING :-)

not clean -> bitchslap!

image: bitchslap
First I was bob teh builder for 1 month, now I'm working in my dad's place as bob teh sleeper >_<
I'm driving a concrete car for my dad's company. I get paid 11&#8364;/hour. So I earn ca. 500 a week.
doing some measuring for real estate registry (adjusting parcels), measuring in power plants (whether the objects are moving, are stable n stuff) and doing some measurements for cities/villages regarding borders where meadows change to forests and things like that.
Wow, you play The Sims as your summer job. I'm sincerely impressed.
looks like maddogs crib from san andreas
exactely! :D n1 originality
work behind a busy bar at a bar/club, completely filled with hot women and im the only guy working with like 8 hot women gg.

going on holiday 2mz with a beautiful girl thou =)

*Edit: Sry but my m8 who had a building company for a while managed to make better 3d looking buildings/interiors in a few days than that - he is a programmer to be fair but maybe look for other software
Just my normal job (measurement technician), keep doing that for another year, including this summer, before I go musician-mode :P

By the way, what program are you designing that building in? If there is an option to export it to the 3DsMax format, I'd highly advise you to do that, and then learn some rendering techniques. Would improve the impact of the image on the ones you present it to a whole lot. The design is nice btw m8, I'd surely love to live there :P
Hey immu, how you doin, still busy ? :P
doing nothing LoL
im working as nolifer
i'm working in Drinkshop Dullaert which is a drinkshop, obviously.

driving the small truck and making deliveries, or going with the other workers there.

it's a harsh job, especially when it's hot. but i like doing it and it pays good.

doing it for 2 months, 3 days/week.
have my first day now.. I work in an hospital -.-
i dont get it why people work when studying, you will have to work your whole life after it xd so better enjoy it now
i worked at a festival, puttin up tents and stages etc

we had as much food and drinks as we want for free,was cool:>
Write for , though it's not only in the summer. Still a student so it's more about keeping my overdraft from going over than earning a decent wage. ^^
summerjob = gaming !
i just worked a full year....i think ill take summer off :)
how did it go? all done now? ;D
yeh dude, finished on Friday the 1st. happy days:D
Nice project, man.

Anyway, first I had a job at some archeological digging site, that was quite interesting, then I got a job at a building site, which paid off really well. :)
no job :(
what software are you using, it at least doesn't look like chief architect. would be nice to see the interior design since I've been working with it for about 2 month now :)
i workz as pr0nstar
I worked for 1 month in my fathers company. :P
Accountancy, payments, generally bookkeeping office.
Was cool coz I was working with 4 girls there, too bad that they were much older than me but still np :D
I'm working in a musicshop atm, it's nice working with all these guitars around :D
Lovely house you made there tbh.
huge central warehouse for everyday store items. I drive around in a jacklift collecting items that shops over finland have ordered. 12+€/hour ^^
nice house :)
i do the bitch im working for perfo atm
i feed myself with catfood, i really don't have any summerjobs :I
Worked for a whole year + study math and physics to enter the Moscow State University[/b]]

Now I'm having a rest!
I worked for Polo Ralph Lauren. ;D
I'm a stagebuilder, so help bands build all the shit on and around tha stage, like pulling cables and setting up lights and many more shit, its not really fasinating but it pays naaais. And you can smoke weed during your work haha.

edit: the fun part is that you are able to see all the shows for free, although most music sux imo.
working in luxembourg, cleaning desks in, emptying around 300 trashcans in 3 different buildings etc 4hours a day (without any pauses which means I have to fucking hurry up!), 5 days a week, underpaid since I'm a student and possibly everybody knows that luxembourgers are all stingy people, they have the biggest guaranteed minimum wage in europe and yet they want more and more money, the newest car etc etc

why would a student earn less money than someone who's unemployed ? you tell me please ...
then get another job
working in a jewellery shop aswell as doing freelance photography.
Nurse @ elderly home.
Same for me, washing old people and cleaning up there shit, you now that old chessnot.
=) It's only hard work in the mornings, in the afternoons its just chatting with old people ;>!
no time for work :( Football+matches :/ nicely done immoo
getting up 5:30 at morning and doing the morning papers.

I own ppl on the phone by selling them a new powersupplier while they don't even know it
callcenter ftw
I got a lousy job as I have to fill trucks with tons of boxes that weigh approx 10 -15 kg each.. one truck can contain approx 500-650 boxes.. and every day at least 5 trucks have to be entirely done.. It's almost like slavery since my wage isn't really fascinating compared to the work I have to do :))

EDIT: this week even sucks more than the others since I've got to get up at 5 o'clock :)))

EDIT: btw the location of the swimmingpool at the house sucks bad ass since it is on the front side of the house which can be seen from the street onwards => bb privacy :)
working at IKEA for one month
I'm the guy who helps people finding their packages
Working at hardware store as warehouseman for the rest of the year.
working in a hospital for ppl who got problems with alcohol for the next 9 months (alternative civilian service instead of going to army).
btw you suck, immoo :'(
<3 you 2 ;)
I'm about to finish my summerjob as a photographer at (after 2.5weeks), from next week on I'll be working for as a photographer (this is no summerjob, but it'll continue through the year as well)
Thought you were off to work in Istanbul?
Yes, I was going there for a job interview at KLM, but since I graduate next year, I thought about it and passed it eventually..
my brother however who has finished uni this year was going for a job interview at KLM as well, but his application ended a week before mine so he went to my job interview instead :P he also had economics at school so it's pretty much the same, they told him he can start this september but I guess he'll accept the job offer from DHL in belgium, since their conditions are better

the idea was to work at KLM (both of us) it would be a nice opportunity but I guess it won't happen
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