night shift

Ive to work the nightshift this week, I slept from 3 until 11 today. So could someone with some nightshift experience tell me if I should better sleep another 3 hours or if I should stay awake until I have to work from 22-6.

thx in advance
sleep during the day, wake up at 15h30 or sth, thats the best way 2 do it :pp
ye thats the way I want to do it the next 4 days, but I had just weekend and I sleept from 3 to 11 and now Iam asking if I should sleep again or stay the 19 hours awake :O
just take it easy, dont make 2 much efforts and you'll be fine :p chill a bit, watch some tv etc so you dont get 2 exhausted and it shouldnt be a problem, maybe take a small one-hour nap now and itll be fineeeeeee
If you sleep too much you'll get even more tired so don't overdo it, but that's just how I feel.
There are everytime like 10 useful people in every journal I made so for :P
take an 30min nap now before 17:00 then stay awake until tomorrow morning, eat breakfast and then go to sleep and wake up around 15:00. np.. going to work in 6 hours aswell -.-

edit: Best stay-focused-trick: don't eat anything during your job. just drink water and coffee. maybe some soup-kind of food which doesnt fill you up but still giving some energy
re-read 'cause I edited a cpl of times ;)
did it for a month, wake up around 15
solution: speed/ecstasy and no sleep at all for one week!
rofl u think u wont sleep after the round one week? u're pathetic or nolifer -,- round is for like 6-8 hours, and when u take piko its max 2-3 days u dont need to sleep.. learn something about drugs! :P
depends on what you do and how long do you drive to the place and back
I work 18.00-06.00 its np =)
sleep at work
I work from 22.30 to 07.30.
I go home, sleep from 08.00 to somewhere between 15.00 and 16.00.

Be social. Then go to work. :)

I sleep when other people are at work, and work when other people sleep. :p Works just fine \o/
I've worked loads of night shifts.
10pm-6am shifts.
I usually went to bed about 7am after food, got up about mid-day and sleep from about 7pm-9:30pm
got nighshift this week too
i have to work from 21.00 to 4.30
working only nightshifts for around 10 months. Start around 9PM and finish around 4-5 am

Then always after work with friends, we drink until 8-9 AM. So basicly my sleep time is from 9AM and 14-15 PM
XD, wtf is your job?
grave digger
no sleepp pls!
When I had nighshifts, I used to sleep after work from 7 am to 3-4 pm... I guess thats the best option. I didn't slept before work, imo it just makes you more tired.
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