help plz.
4 Aug 2008, 14:37
There is a video that i cant download with Internet Download Manager (usually it works with all flash player to download flv files) Somehow i cant this. Any solution ? :-(
There is a video that i cant download with Internet Download Manager (usually it works with all flash player to download flv files) Somehow i cant this. Any solution ? :-(
EDIT: 1st btw, lamers!
tej tej tej tej tej
as long as I don't flame in french someone who isn't french, I don't see the problem :s
worst rule on crossfire!
edit : anyway you own this website, you make your rules and we have to respect them, sad but true
here it is
youre so helpful
And you also hold the Crossfire record for having said my username the most times, obsess much? Looks like someone needs to get a life. You been outside since we last spoke? I'd say deaf mutes have better social lives than you do.
(16:38:07) (@hentai`) = obscene behaviour
(16:38:20) (@hentai`) since it wasn't exactly a lot i cut down the warning points though
P.S. IRC logs!!!
(15:41:42) (@hentai`) can i give you warning points for logs
edit: Just realised i broke the rule myself >(
crossfire rules:
- Rule:
Other things which are not allowed on Crossfire include:
- The posting of private logs (or screenshots of private logs)
The fact that you feel the need to explain yourself speaks volumes. It must be annoying when people think you're something that you think you're not.
You're the top poster on this site in terms of quantity, but to date I have yet to see you post even one comment that doesn't look as though it was typed by a mentally-challenged socially-inept cellar-child. You can't even string a sentence together without appearing genuinely 'special'. The majority of the people who are familiar with your posts probably have a pretty informed idea as to what kind of cretin you really are, as you make a habit of brainfarting every waking minute. You are the epitome of mental diarrhea. If you want to shed your image of being socially-handicapped then do yourself a favour and stop posting, as you're only making it worse for yourself.
Yours, etc.
P.S. I await your reply.