enlarged 08 pics & vid
4 Aug 2008, 18:38
pics: (thx to asmogan & powelcheck)
and the vid of the striptease (but not with original music! dunno the first songs but in the end it was Tito & Tarantulas "After Dark" - u know it cause of Salma Hayek From Dusk till dawn - and the crowd was on fire...)
~105MB @rapidshare: http://rapidshare.de/files/40158478/LIVE_STRIPTEASE.divx.html
edit: would you mind uploading the agu-demos?
milf-stripper :P
why weren't hirdhor and lumpi up on stage ;P
oGr_ was kinda mean looking with his iro haircut :x
whos this girl in powel/0007 ?
fits well imo! :D
were you at vent too?:D
the drinks from her body... that was pretty hot tbh!
gg ogr :>
as if anybody would be interested in what i've written!
"what place did you reach,badener(this term is not even translatable)"
this rule is ridicoulus,rly
why is he watching meet the spartans with his hands on his mouse? just to see carmen? xD
they are on 40% of the pic i saw
Just don't understand why your lowering yourself to comment on someones looks when you look as bad or even worse then they do.
am I on your side now? :]
You want to talk about other ppl haircut, get urself first a haircut!
u want to argue with someone, get urself englishskills first.
Nice days you have.
do i rly have to explain everything for you!? :< it rly gets exhausting honey.
go scratch your arms or listen to some emo songs.
Plz Queen can you scratch my back, I got this spot which itches really bad and I can't be arsed grabbing a kitchen knife and scratch it with.
Zitat: "He dü, dü büst döch dör töny?!?"
sondern es ging um die art und weise, du bist nicht halb so smart wie du denkst o.0
ps: du bist schwerer als du aussiehst ...
deine argumente gehen dir auch langsam aus was ?
bitte check das doch !
wenigstens nicht so
hier einer von mir: Wenn Du einen Pickel am Arsch hast , ist das ein Gehirntumor
mich mit emanzipierten "girls ???" wie dich zu flamen ist echt ein wahrer genuss :F
*edit* sieht richitg geil aus dein gay piercing
fährt dich deine mutti dort hinn ?
mann sieht sich cdc (ach hallt, ist ja ab 16)
alles klar
ps. dickere titten hat sie auch
p.s krieg ich auch nen autogramm?
kannst mir ja mal sagen, dann musste deine überraschungs vllt doch auf später verschieben :o
und bitte :p denkst du deine größe könnte dir auch nur einen geringen vorteil bringen xD falls ja, dann sieht man wie unendlich unerfahren du bist
wird langweilig xD
hast du auch nen pinguin zuhause?
und bist du eigentlich mit snoop verwandt? größe? dummheit? ich sehe da starke gemeinsamkeiten
naja sehen wir dan wär random aussieht ne
ver 2.1
darfst de net mehr laut reden`?
naja dachte gnomme sind ausgestorben aber np ^^
1. fanboi?
2. simpsons-bilder?
3. genau das bestätigt was ich vorher gesagt hab. besser gehts nich...
und nun warte ich auf den nächsten kreativen erguss von dir mr. superego -__-
so und nun gute nacht und träum davon auch mal groß zu werden! :)
This journal amused me, to say the least. Keep it up.
What is up with you? Especially you Queen. You are extremly rude towards people, demanding people doing exactly as you say. You are a very egoistic person and I really hope for your own sake that some day you can change. People are laughing at you, I am one of them.
You all act like you would look kinda perfect!
I dont need fucking huge tits to look good.
Attention? Rofl man i never asked for that xD
I dont have anything against the other girls its just they are jaelous and say bullshit like " i steal their boys" wtf is that !?!?!?
I dont care what u ppl say or think about me, ye thats ego! <3
Just love me or hate me and fuck off u bitch i dont care
Edit: Thats the last i have to say to retards that can only flame for that bullshit there up ^^
Just dont "spam" me or pm me for any fucking bullshit like that! ty
I am not interested in anything you have to say.
have a good night :)
What do I value in people? A good personality and a humble way of living. I disrespect people which try to win respect by showing how much cash they can burn in the pub, or what cool stuff they possess. You are just one of these persons.
You are 21 years old, It's time to start to re-think what you want from yourself. Do you want to be concidered a pathetic polish girl with huge attitude problem and a posse with kids doing everything to see you in cam and taking all the shit your giving I call you a bad person. You are not an honorable woman period!
Wtf it needs some ass too.
T.Spark @ grilling and feed oGr