SK-Gaming NAZIS?

Im weiteren Verlauf des Interviews erhebt Constantine 'ßey' Djuvara schwere Vorwürfe gegenüber SK Gaming und mouz. So soll SK seit der Gründung bei Spielerverpflichtungen stets darauf achten, keine Juden oder jüdisch aussehende Akteure zu verpflichten. Anschließend folgt eine Art gedankliche Umerziehung, die ßey wie folgend beschreibt: "they start to slowly modify the person's way of thinking with all sort of tricks and manipulative discussions evolved around the gaming training sessions." Angeblich fiel Grubby dieser Transferpolitik zum Opfer. Weiterhin soll das SK-Logo eine bewusst modifizierte Abwandlung des Hakenkreuzes zu sein.

short english vers: SK never had jewish or jewish looking players and the logo is some sort of hakenkreuz!


so you want one of their players to have a big nose and then everything would be fine?
its not me saying anything here, im just reporting the report!
Well, his summary isn't too good.
There's this guy saying that SK always pay attention not to engage jewish players or jewish looking players and afterwards do some kind of Scientology-style manipulation.
I don't see a pic
A pic from what?
the girl gamer...
"My sources told me that..."
So, it's just hear-say? Libel!
"I'll sue you! I'll sue you in England!"
dont believe in everything that is writen in the internet
the german makes my eyes bleed
i lol'd. WoW. SERIOUS!
libel? :>
Jews would only sink SK battleship and backstab it's captain
am i supposed to know this bei?
ever heard about spawn? the most white , blue-eyed and blond haired guy there is on the whole planet ....
Ihre papieren juden !!!
Weiterhin soll das SK-Logo eine bewusst modifizierte Abwandlung des Hakenkreuzes zu sein.

so what?
bullshit. and even if that was correct. there are some people who dont like jews u cant deal with that? makes u a nazi...
What a fucked up logic is that. There's a distinctive line between disliking someone for his view on things and disliking someone for what he was born. Also Nazi is a specified term to describe people with fascist views. So not liking these Nazis doesn't make me a Nazi, all it might do is make me a biased person, which isn't generally a bad thing when you're facing Neo-Nazis.

Check your fucking vocab you ignorant moron.
born as a jew? u better go look up the word religion
Pardon me? That doesn't make any sense. I know about Judaism fairly well already and I also know that by definition every true jew has to be born of a jewish woman meaning every jew has to be born a jew. When I said I don't like people with certain ideologies I was referring to Nazis, and contrary to that, I said it's my opinion that it's stupid and ignorant to judge people on what they were born (in this case it's the jews).

That was why both of your comments display nothing but your ignorance and mental immaturity.
I feel sorry for him :s
Just because I outsmart everyone?
no, I ment mett1
Yes, you feel sorry because I outsmart him? :)
don't be too proud, he wasn't a great opponent ;)
Let's argue then! :p

Nah, I'm going to bed now. Owning everyone gets pretty exhausting at times :p
ur a stupid newb man. if u dont want to be religious and run around with a fucking floorcloth on ur head and whine @ a fucking broken wall u dont have to. this is not outsmarting its beeing naive. if they dont want jews around them they shall not take jews. if u dont like that i actually dont care. and in case i didnt answer to everything u said: i only read the first line and think: bullshit, write a comment and tab back into cod4. so maybe ur a pretty smart guy trying to argue about stuff he shouldnt care about but i dont rly give a damn.
now do me the favur and say: the i dont give a crap attitude is the last resort in argumentation as if this would count for something and as if you could reach my awesomeness.
Absolutely, and killing them in numbers of millions is an absolute adequate solution. If they kept it at "just not taking jews" it would be just fine, but chasing them down the streets just isn't.

And I was referring to your earlier statement that by not liking Nazis I'm a Nazi myself which just isn't right.
okay i failed. argueing against something and then saying that u actually are what u criticise to make a point is actually the last resort.

missunderstood racism. i already told you mate: ur argumentation is naive. now your best idea was to go to bed cauz tomorrow in school u might learn stuff that helps u not to be a failing smartass.
It's summer break, therefore I work instead of going to school thank you.

If you give one good argument why someone should say anything against jews, go ahead.

Just to remind you, you wrote:
"there are some people who dont like jews u cant deal with that? makes u a nazi..."
It simply doesn't, that is my whole statement. You're setting people who don't fancy fascism on one line with Nazis which just isn't correct, since Nazi is a specific term. I don't agree with very left-wing anti-fascists either.
that means its non of your buisness man. i said u people shouldnt care. u knew that this is a pretty delicat topic and u though ur on the save side but u even lost the saved side of argumentation there has ever been german VS jews. how can u mess that up? u want to outsmart some1. u better take private lessons during summer break (excuse that i dint know that cauz i, tbh, already finished school and i doubt some pubs grwoing youngster will ever be able to outsmart me) u rly suck but still i appreciate ur try. need advise? i am always there rfor u

PS: i am sure u wont get my original point -> I didnt argue for being nazi (even though i could) i said: DONT GIVE A DAMN MISTER, NON OF UR BUISNESS
Yes, I indeed might need your advice: How do I get a job without having any sort of graduation?
once again ur reading skills failed. I didnt say I got a job, I didnt say I didnt graduate. Just u work on comming as far as I already am. I offered u my help to become a little less wnb'isch, u kinda refused I will not ofer this again. Bye
You wouldn't realise an insult if it stabbed you in the face. Or I'm just feeding a retarded troll all the way.
funny that u say exactly that after u declared to have outsmarted some1 who just didnt give a fuck before and then beat the shit out of u with ur lousy "arguments" while u were loosing the savest point on the planet. you cant accept to be beaten even if i did just that to ur face.
I'll be honest with you. I can't be arsed trying to understand what you're trying to say anymore and therefore I gently request you fuck off.
actually there's a way to become a jew without being born by a jewish mother,its called Giyur(conversion)

anyway,stop arguing with him he seems to be a retard :)
lol is this a joke?
hahaha made my night xDD
seriously, it's SKS and NOT SK :s
Sorry, but this is one of the biggest bullshit I've read so far... I really liked the articles of them but giving an idiot like him such an attention forces me to ignore them completly. I really hope SK or mouz take legal actions against it although it won't be successful anyway.
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