
Whats "better"?


and give reasons please :)

oh and btw shoutout to noedel

Quote by stilettoI use a medium sensitivity, with a fov value of one hundred fifty.
I prefer it because of my past experiences with lower sensitivities and getting backraged 90 percent of the time. I have also experienced the wobbling effect of very high sensitivity wich lead me to use these specific settings.

this is the answer that is needed.
all of the above.
lowsens and lowfov to match my lowskill!
High sense & low fov.
It's a matter of habit's.

I know that lowfov is better for me. Played with other sensetivities, depends on mood.
tell me your bot vectors
fov toggle+sens toggle > *
lowsens highfov
there is no "better"
there is "what suit you" :D
u cant just take highsens cause ''oh, mystic has it''. all those should depend of your mouse,mousepad,other settings and your gameplay - just fit it to your own norms.
no shit sherlock why do u think i typed "better"
ur obviously gonna get proper answers cause people know what(eg. mouse) you use.
i have my settings, it was just a question..
every day there are OVER 9000 journals about this stuff. How about actually trying it for yourself?! If you play good no matter what fov/sens, then stick to one and keep playing with it. NOBODY can tell you which settings to use...
Quotei have my settings, it was just a question..

i have my settings do you rly think im gonna use somebody else his settings. stop stressing.
No stress at all (:
May I ask why you wanna know what's "better" if you have your settings and obviously don't intend to change them?
do i need to ask premission if i wanna ask a question what ppl think ? dont you think i know highsenser prefer highsens and lowsenser lowsens ?
Do you also know if midsensers prefer midsens? Or highsens/lowsens but they just can't decide? And what's the advantage of playing midsens with a low fov instead of a high fov?
well, im not gonna get a question to anything here, i guessed the average cf user wasnt retarded.. but ye they are
okay, if it makes you happy: I use mid sens and high fov. The sens enables me to track opponents decently in close and mid range fights and helps me to toggle faster between opponents in groups. The high fov helps to keep an overview of what's happening. I could probably get more headshots with a fov of 90, but I don't like the way my sens seems to change when using a narrow fov. Furthermore I feel like I jump better with high fov and I'm used to the distances/angles of a wide fov when throwing grenades. :)
You're welcome. Have fun not changing your settings (:
use the search function if you realy want to know, allready thousends of yournals of it
then mine isnt gonna be the journal to much is it ? if you could handle 1000 journals about this im sure u could fit 1 more no?
as YOU can play best
i already have my settings..
nice then gl hf with it hope you are going to own ;)
finally a sens/fov/degrees journal!

image: facepalmwp2
degrees? are you retarded where did i ever ask smth about degrees? /facepalm
I´m sorry I have totally dramatized it!

well i dont ask WHAT SETTINGS I SHOULD USE, i ask the opinions of ppl
I don't get what kind of response do you plan to get? how do you mean what is better? better for whom? better for what? how will it help you if everyone here tells you what do they find better?

you're being way to general for anything productive
just to know what other ppl use is that a crime ?
why are you interested in that? how will it help you if I told you I use high sens and fov -70? in what way will it satisfy you?

also, you didn't ask what other people use, you asked what is better
then i have a answer to my question, and that satisfies me
just as I guessed, posting a journal for the sake of posting a journal
so ok, if i need a songname some1 posts it and im satisfied then its for the sake of posting a journal ?
you make no sense, you said that you have your own settings and don't plan to change them right?

well if you ask for the name of a song, you plan to use that song for the purpose of listening, with this journal you're gaining nothing, you only want to know what is "better"? better for what and for whom? if you're not gonna change your settings what does it matter who uses what? you're asking for an opinion but what for? how will it help you if people tell you what they prefer?

you see, posting a journal for the sake of posting a journal
is it a crime to know what people use ? should i be in jail now for life ?
no, but being stupid should be a crime
check the edit in the journal.. is it that hard to reply like that? thats all i wanted to know..
why did you want that? what did you need that answer for? what have you accomplished with it? what kind of groundbreaking revelation was it?
if i have some1 that cooks for me, and i want to know what ingredients etc he uses but im never gonna cook is it so bad? wanting to know what other ppl use/have or do ?
has no one ever told you not to answer a question with a question? guess you can't answer properly
i think you cant either :)
good argument. you sir are the winner.
can't what?
answer correctly to a question..
I can, but I want you to answer to mine first because you have no idea what to say so you resort to answering a question with a question explaining nothing
arguing is fun when you're bored as fuck :|
totally agreed :D
well, i asked a question and if the answer of that question even if it doesnt hv any use makes me happy and i wanted to know that then y cant i ask it ? :/ i just wanted to know what people use and nothing else, its not like i ask your creditcard nr ors..
but that's what I'm asking, why does it make you happy to know what other people use
just to know what etplayers prefer, why arent i allowed to know that?
I use a medium sensitivity, with a fov value of one hundred and five.
I prefer it because of my past experiences with lower sensitivities and getting backraged 90 percent of the time. I have also experienced the wobbling effect of very high sensitivity wich lead me to use these specific settings.
And do you think it´s better than a low sensitivity with a fov of ninety seven?
Yes i would think so, but it is only my humble opinion.
now thats a answer i wanted
fov 150? gimme that cvar unlocker
nothing is better

it's a prefernce, you prefer low/mid/high-sens none of those is better.
nub question
yes, i did. now i know what he uses.. is it so hard to understand ?
what will you do with that information?
this topic has been discussed so many times with no supportive reason. each person uses what he likes, I feel sorry for the people who find out when one of their e-heroes or e-idols is using some new settings and thinking that following them will make you a highskilled 3hs-each-kill player. all in all it still comes down to personal experience and I have tried all kinds of settings and in the end still realised that it is not worth the trouble since I play the same way. nor do I tune my cfg to make leaves disappear or a brick wall turn into a grey monstrosity just to get 3 more fps but loose the feeling of a game not a weird 3-dimensional gateway to legoland. just use whatever you like jesus christ.
lowfov midsens
Mid sens High fov, no rape & nice tracking
low fov, low sens, 180script >:D
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