Servers scanner

mhm,waht servers scanner do you use? :/ I wnna play a bit but the all seeying eye isnt working anymore for me at least so I a new scanna would b usefull
any ideas? thanks.
Qtracker is also nice.

MAXBrowse 1.2 - server browser for Q4, D3, Prey, ETQW, ET, Warsow, and Q3,think meez pointed this one out to me?
Thanks allot
qstat is my favorite, but i used maxbrowse before it (gui server tracker)

[meez@daedalus ~]$ qstat -P -q3s
ADDRESS PLAYERS MAP RESPONSE TIME NAME 6/16 supply 16 / 0 etpro increased aka EU Clan
56 frags 48ms nP - Bloc Party - Like Eating Glass
74 frags 83ms krycha!
39 frags 64ms Kubus:[[[
42 frags 54ms lolilul
55 frags 58ms fJZ
35 frags 48ms mr.sheen
nothing else needed
do you happen to know of any good webinterfaces for it? I only found phpqstat but that seems to be defunct and not working correctly :|
excuse me? ;x
scanning servers from console?
because refreshing servers from a gui-browser is so much more clear and easier to navigate/read stuff, it's not like the difference is small

i used linux a lot for more than a year and did many things in console (still using irssi via putty because it owns mirc, xchat and every other client, and is extremely easy to navigate as well), but i think you guys are going too far. no wonder windows ppl make various comments about the linux scene ;f

i don't understand how can refreshing a list of servers be easier in console than just doing a few clicks in, for example, XQF, which is btw a great browser. i used it and it pwns
because i have all the servers i need to check stored, so instead of opening a server browser, finding the server and refreshing, i can just click/tab to my putty window, type eg, "qs snb" "qs inc" or whatever

also with checking pings on an opponents server, im already in putty for irc, easier to qstat there than open my server browser, goto add server, copy paste an ip in
ok, if that's the way you've set it up, it's a different story
fair enough

its the same with irssi, how without knowing the shortcuts/having it reasonably configured, its probably better to use a graphical client :E
welcome back cheater montage !
thanks,but im not making a comeback,just a vacation from the army,and allso bored beacuse all my friends are still at the army,
omg montage omg
shalom gever

ma kore @ army
akol hara , mize?
a jew!

I'm using notepad (list with public & most important server ips) + Run.. tool.
"C:\Program Files\Enemy Territory\ET.exe" +set fs_game etpro +connect
GameSpy Arcade
gamescanner is nice
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