"Nerdic" Language is fastest-growing in Europe

"Me and my android were trying to surf on the Milton Keynes wimax the other day when somebody rickrolled my email." A simple translation would tell you I was using one of the most advanced mobile phones to access the wireless internet in Milton Keynes the other day when somebody had the cheek to divert me away from my email account to a video of "Never Gonna Give You Up" by '80s one-hit-wonder Rick Astley.

Why anyone would do this is probably a mystery to most people. But the very fact that a verb (rick-roll) has been invented to cover such an action is testament to the plethora of new words being created to keep up with the latest techno trends.

Some call it "geek speak", others use the term "nerdic". Indeed, Pixmania, one of Europe's largest electronic internet retailers, said yesterday nerdic is Europe's "fastest growing dialect". It claims more than 100 new words were added to the nerdic vocabulary in the past 12 months – more than three times the number the Oxford English Dictionary added to the English language.

Michael Brook, editor of T3 magazine, said: "The technology industry creates new words just as quickly as it comes up with new gadgets." But he said it was unlikely the nerdic dictionary was growing rapidly because many words to describe older technology had disappeared.

Stuart Miles, editor of Pocket-Lint.co.uk, said technology had invented "a whole new way of communicating".

By Jerome Taylor
Friday, 18 April 2008


Pretty interesting article tbh, read it in school today and wanted to share it with you, wanted to get some oppinions from real nerds about it !

random youtube video:

purple & brown <3
''somebody rickrolled my email''

well... "geek speak" as you call it, isnt as bad as this ganxx$ta-talk shit.
i rather hear "lol" ones in a while, instead of "yoyoyo, yo mum n shite"-kinda stuff.
(kinda big problem in germany with this rap-rubbish, imo)
I personally think that there's no real expression of "lol" in the German language. Ofc you could laugh, but "lol" is used in many different ways as just simple laughing... So I appreciate "nerdic" as an addition to the normal language..

...and yes, I use lol quiet often in speech. :/
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