RTCW/ET With Linux

I'm receiving a Signal 11 error with rtcw and et on linux (namely ubunto).

If anybody has a fix for this error it would be greatly appreciated.


:E could be a bitch to fix...

is it libGL.so or is it the actual et/rtcw binaries... do you have any non-q3 engine opengl games that you can test to see if its just q3 engine or pretty much all hardware intesive games? could you paste a log of the console output when the error is received?

it could very well be hardware though ;_;

Quotesignal 11 is a segmentation fault, it occurs when an app tries to use bad memory or RAM that is not allocated to it.
Quake3 did this all the time to me, but so did anything else CPU-intensive.
I haven't tried running quake3 with my new mobo/CPU/RAM, i will try that...
it could be a hardware problem (second rule of tech support, blame the hardware )
it could also be a driver problem, it would help if you posted the drivers you are using.
oh, it has just ocured to me that RtCW uses the Quake3 Engine...maybe it's a problem with the engine, you may have some luck on id's website or with their tech support (if you don't get the "we don't support non-standard operating systems" answer that is)
Quotesig 11 right after loading qagame in single player

On RedHat 7.2, /usr/lib/libgdkxft.so (Anti-Aliased fonts) is preloaded and crashes Wolf SP for an unknown reason. In your terminal, type unset LD_PRELOAD to avoid the preloading and you should be fine.
Thanks to Trevor Phillips for finding this one.

This is for RTCW but maybe works for our problem also.
nice fail
as meez said, you should post the entire console output here.

it's probable that the error is caused by a driver problem, but it's impossible to tell without the full error message.
Just an update if anyone cares, the problem doesnt exist when i play sp or host my own mp .
Makes me think this could well be a punkbuster problem.
Problem fixed, turns out it was pb.
Needed to not only update pb in the install directory but also the hidden folders created in /home/
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