greets from egypt

Hi crossfire...

just sitting here in alexandria in an internetcafe and have another half hour to spend so i decided to send you some greets.

well we started on 25th of july and took to flight to cairo.
we are 7 guys here.
one of my collegues at uni is from egypt and we are living at his house in october city near cairo.
we have made almost everything you have to do even once in ur life.
we have travelled around the pyramids with some camels, seen the citadel and we ve had a beautiful time here.
on the last sunday we went to sharm el shaik for one week and now since sunday we are back again in cairo. today early morning after half an hour of sleep we went to alexandria until tomorrow.
on the upcoming saturday we re gonna move back to austria.

life in egypt is pritty different from the one we are used to.
we dont sleep too much, always coming home and getting to bed on 5 or 6 in the morning, almost never more than 4 hours of sleep.... ye i feel a little bit wasted.
yesterday we came home from the bazar at 4 o clock, then we had some key problems and had to wait in front of the closed house for half an hour.
finally in the bed we had to get up again because on of us had a gecko in his room and we had some fun with catching that viech.
finally at 5 o clock am we cought some sleep and had to get up again at 6, grabbing some clothes and moved to the bus to alexandria.

i m gonna write some detailed story with pix and stuff when i m back again
i think we ve made 1000 pics...

greets from egypt and see ya all again guys!

(sorry for no smileys... i m getting crazy with that keyboards here)

yours sincerely
damn cant wait
dont stell nothing ! they cut off heand for this !
if you came to israel, i would give you a private tour on my camal >:D
Around 2004 - some clanwar against eSr or instanity. I rememeber when someone freezed out (999) and said "brb i have to feed my camel". :''D
yea :~>
it was a joke you know :(
we dont rly have camals :d
dont disapoint me plz :'-(
to less sleep for me imo
Quotefinally in the bed we had to get up again because on of us had a gecko in his room and we had some fun with catching that viech.

hah, catch that naughty fish :!!
sounds like a nice trip
just came back home with the bus from Spain. Had some great parties etc but the bus-trip took 15hours and I'm faking tired now
No planes in Belgium?
Phobia of planes maybe :[
Safer than a bus.
Yeah, but seriously, how much movies have you seen about planes crashing the fuck down, and compare it to the number of movies you see about bus crashing :[

It's media-created phobia !!11
In buses (at least canadian buses) you might get your head cut off.
Would you rather see a movie about a plane crash or a bus crash?
I'm sure you can make a nice movie with a bus crash... in a canyon... !
I wanted to go by plain aswell but my other mates already booked and they took the bus because otherwise they'd have to pay 100€ extra
hf there! i´ve been there in 2000 and i loved this country although it was way to hot there :)
Go to Sharm el-Sheikh!
Either of you guys heard of IRC? Stop hijacking threads.
what is it? :O ofc i got it but not here at work. i suppose if people don't wanna read my comments they can always ignore me(afterall thats why you've added it)
If you hadn't noticed, this journal is about Egypt - not discussing penises with your bumchum. If you wish to indulge your own homoeroticism then do so using the PM feature.

Every single day you two take over journals with your inane off-topic reply-chains, use an instant messenger or something.
who says we were talking about penises?
QuoteIf you wish to indulge your own homoeroticism then do so using the PM feature.

none of the above comments meantioned the word penis but i can see where your mind is at. and whats the difference - if i make my journal and keep replying to him and get warning points or if i do it here? warning points stay warning points.
Is it really that hard to grasp the essence of what I'm saying? Stop with the off-topic replies and spam.
ssssh, we're disturbing this very serious journal.

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