Omega Driver problem

I just Installed the Nvidea Omega Drivers but now I have the 60 hz bug. It's fine in windows but in games it just wont let me choose the right displayrefresh. Tried looking through journals here but didn't bother with google since CF users always know leet programs and stuff to fix things, so? :P


thx for help!

random pic:

image: Surprise-buttsecks
forums--->technology !
install standart driver, perfomance difference is rly miserable.
btw try searching (that's rly hard to find it ;x) and installing MONITOR driver, that helped at least for my CRT (without it i couldnt set more than 85hz at cod4 eventhough i had 100 in windows)
Omega Driver > Catalyst for sure!

Had an increase of about 20 fps with my ati x800.
Monitor drivers are installed and as I mentioned in windows itself it's on 100 hz, same on the on screen display so its not fake, just when I open ET it's @ 60 hz.
actually its cooler like this: Forums -> Technology - Hard- en software, games, webdesign, le geek, c'est chic.
OFFTOPIC: Thx Rafiki for the warning! <3

ONTOPIC: Insti, do u have any SPs for win installed? It should be fixed with SP1.. however that didnt really work out for me. ;)
ye sp2, just read the manual of the monitor and it said sth like presets for 1024 is 85 hz but it always worked, also with vsync so it actually showed 100 fps... just gonna use 85 hz, lags anyways with 100/100 :D
try NGO
imho ngo > omega
ye thx a lot
what else, damn nazis!
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