MS Intelli 3.0

Anyone using this mouse for ET? Probably i won't go for Logitech and Razer anymore, so suggestion from any ETplayers with that mouse would be nice, especially some lowsensers.
yes i do, it's a really good mouse imo!
Microsoft laser mouse 6000 ftw
ye, I've tested mx518, copperhead and ime 3.0 but I have to say that I feel most comfortable with the ime 3.0 which I've been using for over 5 years now and its still working perfectly.
image: IME - isn't she a beauty ^^
Good mouse, almost perfect shape :)
Great mouse!
I heard it's a good mouse but i prefer to stay with my deathadder.
i couldn't get used to it, but it's my personal stuff. word on the street says it's one of the best, but i still think mx518 is most perfect. :)
ms1.1a has exactly same engine and is lighter and smaler (more easy control)
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