limited button pushes


Im playing on laptop and when i try example do gamma jumps I cant push w,d,space and sprint at same time. Here are somekind limitations. Anyone how to check and disable it? :)

u cant, get other laptop
Don't use the laptop keyboard but plug one in on it..
I have something similair for my keyboard, Logitech 7button one - got use to it now but strafing use to make this beep and it would just reset (ignore whatever I had my fingers on) and I would have to repress. but as I say... very use to it now.

wouldnt mind knowing how to turn it off all the same. xD
its a hardware issue

either change your binds (which isnt garunteed to work, you could try esdf/rdfg), or buy a usb keyboard
usb keyboards dont have this problem? Didnt knew. But yeah the newer ps/2 keyboards are made using cheaper techniques and got a lot of issues when pressing 3-4 buttons at the same time. My 10 year old keyboard never had a prob but when i switched to some logitech mediakeyboard i had to change some minds to be able to move and switch weaps etc :)
dunno... never used a usb keyboard for a long time... I just assumed most laptops these days don't have ps2 ports? :E

and a half decent usb keyboard may still have the problem, but it will be less extreme... any half-decent keyboard should be able to manage WASD+space
USB has higher polling rate and if you overclock it you will move like 10 times faster compared to ps2 !!!!
thats like 30 extra hs
300% increase ... amazing ... gotta try it!
you can't remove this 'limitations'
Buy separate keyboard [eg. Steelseries 7G - it lets you to press all keys on keyboard @ one time]
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