Online games - dead or alive?

I'm not really a true online-gaming insider. I play some ET & Warsow online, used to play some Counter Strike or Quake 3 with friends in internet cafes but never stepped out of this small part of the whole online world. So now you - internet powners tell me about some other FPS games that are there to be played online. I know that COD4 is alive like hell, but it's relatively new so no big deal, some say "ET is dead", I don't think so but as I said before I don't have enough experience with gaming to confidently call a game dead or alive so let's call it dead. But what about the rest? What about Unreal, Quake and Medal Of Honor series? What about Counter Strike series nowadays? What about some other games, not mentioned by the polish duck? Plz post your opinion about this or randomly flame the first guy who comments in this journal.

random pic:
image: 1199882279395jq0

np: The Prodigy - Baby's Got A Temper
its a man-bear-pig
its a man-bear-pig
Online Gaming is probably at its highest point now and is steadily expanding
35. Unreal Tournament 3 (PC)
730 servers, 386 players

What the fuck...
10. Unreal Tournament 2004
1361 servers, 3876 players

looks accurated to me, half life 1 and 2, means cs and css servers, and dead game (et) in 5th place

Its a penguinliondog
Offtopic: Playing online now it's not the same like it used to be, not the same fun like is was on the start, now it's serious business!
ET is alive :)

Getting more alive daily with all the cheaters biting the dust

currently working on a new bust ^^
i hope you bust that son of a bitch
nvm the "bust", it was overschie, he has been banned already :/

cunt plays under a new guid but got him already :)
oh lol yeah i saw yesterday his account is banneddddddddddddddddd
rofl.. give me a reason why i shud play under another guid.. while i'm clean ;D? .. the "bust" was in 2007. all the time till now, no one whined, but now u start to own.. WHINE CHEATER. EVER USED A PUB HACK...
I looked further and noticed three more guids you were busted on, maybe I should publish it after all, since the one you're busted on is the only known one afaik...
nvm, seen that ur banned already @ cb + crossfire + esl, says enough ;D
3 month, big deal!
Online Gaming is probably at its highest point now and is steadily expanding
cs 1.6 is still active as hell. it will probably never die :P
How about the cheaters over there?
Not as worse as in ET ( :) )
Well then maybe will play it a bit just to remind myself the good old times when we used to play it every day in inet cafes in primary school :D
actually you can buy hax for 5e without being kicked. the only way you can get banned is that somebody records your demo and takes your steam id. but still you can buy new cs account for some euros :-)
"Please do not post on how to get a specific player banned because you have a demo of them cheating. This sort of information is not reliable enough for us to use. VALVe uses VAC for its bans only."

Quotethe only way you can get banned is that somebody records your demo and takes your steam id
banned @ cb, servers etc. I meant
well its quite impossible to cheat in official matches, because of the anti-cheats. ofc there is some in the publics.
:DDDD, in 1.6 you can buy private hax for 5e, guess you are talking about css
source = kuraa :(
onse iha jees, liian helppo kyl jos vertaa 1.6 :p

Quote by Online Gaming Zeitgeist FAQQ. But I don’t use GameSpy software! How can it know what I am playing?

A. It’s a common misunderstanding thinking that the GameSpy data is grabbed by the client or their game browser. This is not true. What GameSpy - and all other online players statistics page do - is parse the list of servers available for each game and sum the number of players on each game or gametype. So even if you use your obscure mIRC script to play Quake 3:Arena matches with your IRC friends, you’ll be counted as long as you’re on a publicly known server. There is no balance on bias played on games that feature GameSpy frontend or backend software either; at worse, just an increased accuracy on cases where GameSpy hosts master servers (Battlefield 2 and Battlefield 2142 from what I know).
CS 1.6 is alive as hell and (imo) still owning CS:S
play rhymescape or sth
cs, css, wc3, wow, sc, fifa, q3 or quakelive, cod4 are the most popular games nowadays by players & tournaments
Duck your a True online gamer, in my heart lol xP
I didn't expect a retard to understand it
That doesnt change your mental capabilities
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