online poker!

so who plays and how regularly?

heheheh i'm addicted lolrofl

gone from 10man tournies to18man tournies and now play a 45 every now and then!

also what poker do you play?
i don't play any online

used to play a tournament with friends almost every day, should be playing a cash one tomorrow, not sure though :)

hold 'em like most <
i play poker stars

and always for money ^_^ sif play for fake money
vc poker and william hill. try to play atleast 200 hands per day @ no limit 5/10p or 10/20p .
NoIQ poker!
- Great freerolls
- Very active
- Nice guaranteed tournaments
i think pokerstars is the largest.

theres a tourny up every like 2mins. it's good hehehe
ye I've got pokerstars too but I don't rly like there freerolls and since I don't give any money to poker and get all my money out of freerolls I played is pokerstars nothing good for me
my scanner detects a virus @ the setup
bullsh*t mate. I'm using it for 1 year now and didn't have 1 problem with it :)
can u upload the setup for me since my virusscanner wont let me dl it from that site and switching it off doesnt work either
I'm just home from my football training but if u remind me to it tomorrow or so, I'll do it for you.
NoiQ is the best when withdrawing moneys. I've tried about 9-10 sites and NoiQ was always clearly the fastest one.
Titan Pokers is the best, according to the majority of poker provider tests.
I don't know nowdays, but 1,5y back the place was totally retarded. And it's not only me who's saying that. I got my account locked for three weeks and after for two weeks for no reason. Well they tried to check my identity ROFL and said at the end "oky its g00d". gtfo seriously.

But I just made an account there and got free bonus(50$) plus pokertracker3 and just dumped the moneys off so I made +43$ and got pt3 for free (89$). 2bad4titan.
I don't know, how it was in past tbh. I just checked around 5-6 poker provider test sites to find the best one a few months ago. (I used PartyPoker before)Titan Poker was always on top or one of the best.

In addition, I also habe another 6 poker provider installed for freerolls tournaments. So I got a little overview and Titan Poker is my favourite, although the software design sucks hard. The instant live chat service is nice. Whenever I complained about some shit they helped me instantly, gave me better offers or gave me my buy-in back, when I had to sit out just 1 hand as my internet connection disappeared. :D

The only negative point for me are the down times. TitanPoker had a massive user increase the last time, so it's often overused. But they are going to get better servers very soon.
it's Ipoker what lags, the whole network, not just titan. I remember that 1,5y their support was also "the best" and it was total crap. But yea, I think they're ok now.
just started playing online poker actively again with a rather small deposit of 400$ at FullTilt. grinding 4 tables at PLO25, made it to 1000$ now within a week. when I'm at 1500$ going to move up to PLO50 and also going to buy a new monitor soon so I can play more tables at once

need to get pokerstars and play some tournies with us!
got it as I played some bonus from PokerSavvy there (pretty easy money if someone is interested, only requires 50$ deposit for full profit), but took the money off from there after I was done with it

don't think that I'll deposit there as I only prefer to play on one site at once, but guess I could be able to play some tourneys with the FPP's I have there :p
I am sorry to break your bubble but you are on a heater, cashing 40BI within a week at PLO will soon be a distant past, as a 20BI swing hits you in the face.

Hope it goes well and that it doesn't happen.
yeah, I've been playing omaha for almost a year now so I know the swings are big. that's exactly why I'm building up my bankroll to 1500+$ first (30+ BI) before moving to PLO50 so that it can take the swings

oh and that "+40 BI swing" ain't just from PLO25, although that's what I've mainly been playing. it also includes one bigger tournament cash out (250$). also I've been playing almost 1k hands a day on avarage so it hasn't come without any work :p
PLO is still the devils game. :P
it is, and that's why I love it! ;)
jos haluut jossai vaihees, ni irtoo 64% rakeback ongamelle. eli 800pojoo/100$ + random rb
we usually play with about 3people in on the same 18player tourny.

i'd say one of us makes it to the money (top4) 90% of the time :O!

a couple times last night 2 of us came 1st and 2nd on both the 18 and 45 player tournies.

but we play with real money although buy-ins are only 3.40usd :D:D:D:D
I play on finnish Pokerihuone - kinda sucky but anyway, i try to play every day tournaments with small buy-ins like 1-5€
PLO cash and NLHE tourneys/cash on Everest, daily. With a 10 buyin bankroll obv.
ye I do, but is there and easy and free way to play with real money? :DD
many sites have freeroll tournaments, u should give them a try then!
ye but im always failing / or on pkr = 700 people, winner gets 2.61euro... :DDD
@ Pokerihuone daily freerolls with like 10e prize pool but 19.00 cet freeroll winner gets 101e, but theres 2000 people playing for it =]
just bought new 22" eizo monitor as second monitor because I want to play more tables.

PLO50-200 normally, tried plo400-500 too, but variance showed it's ass there. anyway omaha is clearly my main game.

I don't play holdem too much, but I might 8table for example nl50-100.

22$ sngs & 11-22$ tourneys sometimes. usually holdem.
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