(Boot) Login script

I know, prolly useless for most of you, and plz flame it to death, but for the ones who can actually use it (the ones with annoying sisters, that stuff), here is a script which logs the time and date from a login to a .txt file every time there gets logged in @ ur account :)


Just open notepad, and copypaste the following:

Quote by code@echo off
echo Logged on at: %date% %time% >> boot.txt

Then save the file under boot.bat

Make a link to the file @ Start - All Programs - Startup, so it loads everytime you boot your pc. The date n time get logged to a file named boot.txt, in de same folder as your boot.bat file is.

You can also hide the files by Rightclick - Properties - Hide file, so the chance of others finding it are minimal (enable view hide files again when you want to see them, you can do that by going to folder settings, and click the "show hidden folders and files" option.)

I myself found this little file useful at work, since people logged in at MY pc when I was away from it. I also secretly connected a webcam and let it make pix everytime some1 logged in, then I went to those ppl and it scared the big jesus atta them ^^ Now they stopped doing that shit, so ye, it IS useful :)


Edit: Had some images in my journal, here's what happened to them :D

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btw where does it dump the information (where can you see who logged in)

nvm found it
QuoteThe date n time get logged to a file named boot.txt, in de same folder as your boot.bat file is.

and ofc you can't see WHO logged in, else you also would need to do the webcam trick. have to look up the code for that tomorrow though then, cost me a few hours at work to figure out how to do that :P

why not just use

Quote@echo off
echo %username% logged on at: %date% %time% >> boot.txt
coz then it always shows your own username?

the whole point is to see who logged in at YOUR account, not their own account :P although you could use your script for that, but that takes away the whole purpose of my program ^^
uhhhhh why not just have a password?
coz its annoying to type every time? + that everyone knows the password @ my job and I can't change it there, can think of many more reasons :)
"since people logged in at MY pc when I wasn't away from it"
-.-' edited
thx :P
Might be useful, not for me tho...
Doesnt work on linux! :P
Quote by add to startup scriptdate >> boot.txt

hoi spree :)
:D puuuuuuuuuuuu
clearly this isn't a very good method of hiding anything...
it actually is, called reversed psychology >:D
and where is the use?
read the little story
I cant read :<
then why reply u weed smoking bastard!
use password?
Quoteits annoying to type every time? + that everyone knows the password @ my job and I can't change it there, can think of many more reasons why you wouldn't have a password :)
use an fingerprint scanner and when you are afk pres windows_buttom + L
ye, im really going to buy a fingerprint scanner for at my job...
good job honey
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