some hidden cdc info

Not to shamelessly promote but theres some cdc info in that interview! 2 minutes 30 if u wanna skip!
I hope you annouce it soon. Because well read my Journal please. It is very important for more people I guess. ( for example gonna do this stuff. So ye please TosspoT.

Soon, alot of Airlines will be raising there ticket prcies by 20%, meaning that people who are going to be attending CDC5, and travelling there via aeroplane will have to pay roughly 50€ extra.However, this could avoiding if the dates are announced as quickly as possible and flights are booked as soon as possible!

Thank you in advance.
Come by car?!
Ye, it is not my Problem. It is a general problem. And some of our Team are forced to come via Plane.
rofl cupper sux at english, its "their prices"....

quote cupper..I never spell anything wrong..
True!Blame him!
You like it to be on camera :<
wheres the pimped gel haircut :D

[e] i expect ET at WSVG
Take 50 dollars off prizemoney to buy another microphone imo!
" I was this close to annoucing it"

sol stopped you!
nice nice
plz announce it anytime soon so we can make some arrangements :<
you sounded kinda nervous :O
idk maybe also is the mic but he sounds breathless for me
from shouting/screaming during the events ? (AEF in this case)
+ he talks a million words per minute
Mashed can beat him easily
damn you sure love to hear yourself talk :D
Quote[...] with TosspoT, who tells [...] how UK residents can view him naked!

get digital tv!
very nice
your name sounds familiar...
Judging on your sentences and wordstyle I'd say that you're gonna schedule CDC rather late (october, november?) .. and after CDC5 there will be a BYOC-lan in another complex :D?
nothing new to that ;) We have mentioned at CDC4 that the bigger event would be in a different location. But you guessing is fairly accurate. Only the dates could be a bit off ;)
it will be BYOC?
it has been a consideration on which we never made a final decision. CDC4 will not be byoc or bigger. The bigger event itself could have a byoc section, but it very well not have it if we can cough up enough computers by ourselves.
It must be said that BYOC is not our current competence, events with tournaments close to the heart of communities is what we are good at. Then again, holding a BYOC lan is no rocket science either
A bit off => does that mean later ?

I hope it wont be in november / december, my final exams are being held at this time :(
so CDC4 will have the same system as CDC3 before? I mean eliminations and stuff..
actually, for ET we are looking for ways to give the lower ranked teams also more value for their money...meaning Fun/losers/B tournaments or whatever you want to call it. Tournament systems mostly depend on sign ups, but in essence we try to cramp in as many games in 3 days as possible ;)
sounds promising, now we just need to wait for the dates ;]
If it is not on October it is pretty bad to be honest. I guess a lot of people got no vacation anymore so... . Please put the date on October (latest date in my opinion the second Weekend). I would please you. Otherwise Danoobne cannot LAN prove and Vegi and me either! So try to do us the favor! :D
I really can't follow all of you xF-admins who are holding this back for so long. Some people have to actually ask permission (parents, work..), schedule it in their near future and pracc with their team so they are able to put down a good performance. This might seem like whine but I just find it's about time that a announcement is made with the dates in it so you can garantuee a magnificant LAN-event just like the previous crossfire LAN's .

And the date can't really be such a massive problem either since the last crossfire LAN around this time (CDC3) was in september if I remember correctly and crossfire still had a nice amount of competetors who showed up at Enschede. It's not like holidays / exams / whatever.. will change like the weather in one year time..
If all stars were aligned, we would have had a great event for ET early September.
We are very aware of the great dates in September and October as almost any week after that will prevent a pool of players from coming as it conflicts with uni or school.

However, these events require preparation with an announcement preferably 3 months in advance and with everything from our partners confirmed. The biggest problem is that the upcoming events will require more cash as we simply cannot depend on crew and volunteers to pay their expenses themselves (let alone thank them a little bit for their work). Therefore, we do need some chunk of money (sponsoring) to make sure we can deliver an event that is up to par with what you guys want, deserve and that is sustainable for the future.

Toss and I know that in this "industry" that even a small screw up at your event can cause major damage to your reputation and therefore we rather do it right than half-ass. Else, it will be a major deadline.

We also prefer to run an event in the first half of October, but all the other stars need to be aligned as well to give you the fun that you are looking for.
thanks for the infoZ <3
Great, we're heading off to a CCC.

Crossfire Christmas Challenge.

I do realise these events require a considerable amount of cash ( :D ). But how come everything went so smooth during the previous CDC's. Would I be wrong if i say that crossfire simply started planning things too late..
that would be a cool theme that goes some of those snow/xmas maps ;)
I honestly hope it won't become a CCC and once I have graduated I finally have the time again to make shit happen.
you edited that fast? :D
reply plz ;(
Supplydepot3 has got snow I think :D
supplydepot 3

Winter look w/ some slight cave brush-manipulation & surfaceparms for steps added to ground level shaders.
Changed crane controls and moved them so they are no longer able to be satcheled through the wall
scripting fixes added
Back window by crane is larger to see through but plated with glass
Truck must go slightly further into the garage that has been added

Health and ammo cabs @ command post ( when allies construct )
Axis 2nd spawn rear exit building for aesthetics
a garage - winning allied truck exit
allied 1st spawn now contains an mg nest
1 new sound file for the radio @ flagged checkpoint
binocsimple shader remapped to infrared-type focal

image: 43297_1

only the snow in the tunnel sucks
This comment isn't exclusively for you, but rather everyone making similar comments:

Why do you suggest that information is being witheld? It's as though you think we're getting some kind of pleasure from watching expenses gradually increase as potential attendees start to worry. We (TosspoT included) don't know anything that you don't know, that's why nothing has been announced. As soon as there's a certain date, Crossfire will know, but not before and certainly not after.
Quote by TosspoT[..] If you look at RTCW, there were futuristic weapons in the single player, although they will be in the multiplayer this time [...]

bb Wolfenstein!
Still nothing.
"got crossfire MY community website"
Crossfire 3.0 - A Tosspot Community
hes the main guy here

a tosspot community made me laugh XD
The 't' needs to be capitalized, you know, like 'T'
Nice intervieuw!

And you better stick with your ass on Wolfenstein!
I think the community misses you in shoutcasting the game for us. but like your said your self you're a busy men:P!

So goodluck and i wish you great of luck to get your golden question comes out!
Shameless !
:o infoz
it's too bad that hardly any ET matches are shoutcasted anymore, especially not in english :<
I'd make a black picture with some comments in the middle and a white text below them, just for you, but I'm too sleepy for that now.
Seriously... i need to know SOON the date, else i CANT change my VACATION -.-

and also it makes a lot difference if i book my travel NOW and not 1 week BEFORE... so pls... announce -.-
At least you get my post/opinion.
The more it's postponed the less players there'll be able to go >(
"FEW" whiners on crossfire :D
looking forward :-)

Chelsea rofl , nice one mentioning :p
I'm satisfied if it's at least somewhere in 2008.
I guess we should just let TosspoT and the crew do their work, so there'll be a magnificant event. :)
omg TosspoT was in Belgium Antwerp
Yeh, i hope its announced soon if its gunna be in 2008 dont wanna leave it to late
just announce it ffs :p
et will be dead as fuck by this event........get new games into it imo, et is bitchassed dull nowadays there are so many better games (even coming from an oldschööler rtcw like me)...

Lay et to rest, its on its way to the grave....
buy cod4 imo , make teams and lets go and see wat happens.........
hello there, i think you made a typo in your post

i believe "cod4" was supposed to be "cod2" because cod4 is actually slang for the word feces

also, cpma has been around longer than et and is less active, but it doesn't mean it is dead, same with rtcw
:p...actually, as i went just now to clean said feces implement, and to reflect on last 10 years of gaming : which actually just occurred to me regarding what was said in this topic , I tend to agree....but I don't think we will win with cod2....although technically it would be next on the list. And cpma for me is a swearword..I still call it q3 original bought version...
i just dont see the hype behind switching game just because its new or popular

when modern games are like q4, et:qw and cod4, i see no reason to switch

people praise cod4 as a good game... and yeah its not too bad, but its just depressing that the best game released in the last few years is.... fucking cod4

fps games don't really have a future for people like you and i, all games are slowly moving towards carbon copies of the last big tactical shooter, each trying to be like counterstrike
I agree, and I moreover dislike the cs hype thats been generated over the years through expensive sponsoring (us based) and prize money for a game that has been plugged by a corporation with influences.

For me (personaly) cod2 could have hit the scene with more backing from all said and related gaming communities...why not?? the usual problem me fears, apart from incessant marketing of new products from sillicon valley (so called), there has been the influx of cheaters..more, alas in the non valve gaming world...

Lotto nades, camping and backshooting are the worst things in ET and the main constituants of COD4. Still people still wank over it.
nice bracelet :x
Love the sound of taking breath.
No worries, we can wait a little bit. Will there be a RTCW2 compo? plz?! ;-)
Nice intervieuw!
`plz announce it because my parents are planning our holidays around october so i need to know it, bedcause i really want to go
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