Taking fanboyism to a new level

image: batman-tumbler-08-06-08

Many people left the theatres inspired after watching The Dark Knight film, and one of these people, Bob Dullam, have gotten immensely inspired that he was able to come up with his own Batman Tumbler. In case you're wondering, yes, it's a working replica of the Tumbler found in the film. What's more impressive, however, is that Dullam made it all by himself in his garage.

Once you check out the pictures of the Batman Tumbler below, you can see that almost every detail is there: the huge, double-barrel wheels, the afterburner...heck, Dullam even came up with the Batsuit to go with the impressive set of wheels.

How much did the project cost? Dullam has given an estimate of US$ 50-70k. It's a pretty steep price for a hobby, but hey, some people just have lots of time and money to spend. We're pretty envious right now. And oh, check out that package.

Source: http://gadgets.qj.net/Fan-builds-working-replica-of-Batman-Tumbler/pg/49/aid/122962
WOW nice car btw

P.s: First
i'd love to drive around in that
loel looks hot :D
Because you have not received a warning in the last 7 days, 1 warning points have been removed.

you gotta be kidding me
only 595 more days to go
US$ 50-70k. is not that much for that project. so what did that hollywood-fags spent it on?
About 250k to build. The designing process must've cost a shitload more, millions most likely.
fanboy ...
nice car i want it !
olol :XD
wasn't there somesort of a batmobile in last seasons Top Gear? they just showed it in their studio tho. or maybe that was the one used in the movie, no idea.
he'll prolly be sued for copyright shit etc :D
wicked! I'll be lolling when I see this car on the motorway
*Wonders how long it took him to make the exact same copy of the original*

It isn't a daily way to spend your money of course.
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