i was wondering.....

what u guys do mornings? i mean what r those first things u have to do when u wake up

i open tv, make coffee, go to wc and smoke cigarette, and wash my teeth:)

edit: random pic

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image: 347855pn0.f5b7cc36d2
Turn on my pc, put on some music, shower, shave + brush teeth + fix hair, go browse some crossfire, make my bread, go to work
fix your hair? O_o
ye, comb my hair, then put it in a ponytail (has to look representable for my work).
k, thought so :d
turn on the radio (radio 1), go shower all that jazz,get dressed, grab some breakfast , smoke a cigarette with my coffee, turn off radio,grab laptop and get going :]

(look on crossfire if I'm up early :x)
just came back from work >_< first thing after that >> computer...
what do u do?
some holiday job to earn my driving lisence :P
nice:) good reason for work
Go for a shit.
grab a cigarette, check e-mails, news, weather and crossfire.
Afterwards some hygiene.
no breakfest
1. Make coffee
2. Dress up
3. Sit on sofa and drink my coffee
4. Brush my teeth and stuff
5. Go to work
1.wash my face
2.eat few breads and 1 apple
3.go to work
Get up, make some coffee, sit down read news, cf, check emails etc and smoke a ciggy, then 30 mins later eat breakfast, brush teeth and take a shower
1.Get up
2.Turn on computer with my toe
3.Go and take a piss
4.Make breakfast
5.Eat 1 sandwich while reading forums
6.Eat rest of the meal while watching "That 70s show"

Anyways thats my morning agenda for now
swear for half an hour cause its so early, then ramble around my room looking for my mobile that went off, go to the kitchen see what i got to eat - usually make sandwiches and leave them on the table so i could eat em after i've come back from shower - when ive done that tho my mom/dad(or someone from my family) has eaten atleast few if not all so i gotta make new ones. when all that is done im finally ready to head off to work :P morning activities at work usually consist of browsing inet for 2 1st hours and then i start doing what i have to. :P
Depends on the shift I have to work.

- Get up
- Turn on computer with my toe
- check cf
- chat few words with a person online I like
- smoke a cigarette
- take a shower/brush teeth/get dressed
- go to work
stumble out of bed
knock something over
just about manage to make a cup of tea
drink it
feel better
wc, drink, eat, smoke, turn on PC, call somebody to have company n normal stuff
stumble out of bed, take shower, dress up, give my cat some food, sit on sofa and drink breakfast, make some breakfast for work, watching discovery or nationaal geographic, to work
take a piss.
shower, shave, fix hair, brush teth
get clothes, put on my watch n stuff
---> go to work <.<
wc, brush my teeth, make coffee & a few sandwiches, flame people on crossfire
turn around and sleep again
u had best anwser:D
1. get up
2. take a shower
3. make breakfast
4. eat it :)
5. brush teeth
6. go to work
1. Turn TV off (yes i sleep whit TV on.. Cant sleep whidout music)
2. Put PC on
3. Make coffee
4. Toilet
5. Smoke a cigarette (While reading whats new at my regular websites)
6. Drink coffee (While reading whats new at my regular websites)

1.Get up And check if I didnt get robbed
2.Do some bathroom shizzle
3.Turn on pc and watch the flame :(
4. Hope to see Elena online <3
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