heavy rainfall

Woot, all of the sudden 30 minutes of heavy rainfall and thunder here, the whole parkinglot in here is flooded (few cm of water over it).

It keeps raining lolz, ok /caremode off, back to work again!

Edit: omg earthshocks :S first time in my life I feel those
the icebergs are melting :D
then dont wonder if you see a polar bear go past your window
already seeing them
its called fat women !
It's just a conspiracy
satellites images show its not
but if you were at school you have prolly know that :D
Quote It's just a conspiracy

Just like the moon landing
this picture is a conspiracy too right?
image: img_48c61ef56ca45eecc6528f71070904e9
We wasn't taught BODMAS, neither do I care about it ;)
I got more qualifications than you anyway :{
dont assume silly panda :D
now go dig flicker
I'm not lying either D:
+ I could whine about your engrish skills if you really wanted to be all picky, because you can barely string a sentence together :D
Need to go out to a course now bb :{
and i could talk perfect english if i wanted too :D
so i won you again
You failed right there D:::::::::
you failed =DDD
nah, just u
you failed @ birth
nah, u failed with ur pic..
Jealous of my awesomeness
this is sad
Same here atm.
i blame china for using cars,they should keep riding their bikes... some would say china is ticking timebomb for ze doom of our planet, but i don't think ofc that way,coz you guys would say nasty things of me :(()
edit: liek rasict? :S
America is way worse tbh. They just say 'No, you chinese can't use the same amount of energy like we do, because else the world will suffer too much, so you can't, and neither can we reduce our need for energy'.
not rly :D
china are far far more ruin the environment
agree mate! <3
for that im your buddy? :d

anyway china have ten thousends of cars each day
they open a new electric factory who work in coil, wait not 1 factory, few factories also every few days :D
america atlist trying to do something about it, they already working on sulotions
Quoteamerica atlist trying to do something about it, they already working on sulotions
hahaha made my day, thank you
with billions of dollars invest in it, they already trying to apply few solutions.
i have seen that their best solution is to trap the bad gas donno how to call it, lots of km underground that way they can store billions of billions of tones of that gas :D
and that way save the world !
I guess that explains why, to take just one out of loads of examples, American cars are way behind the rest of the world's in terms of emissions. America is the world's biggest polluter and they're not a Kyoto signatory. Great success.
accourding to scientists from most of the countries in the world, working with the UN
chaina is the most dangerous

again, you show lack of knowledge
America is the biggest polluter in the world, both in total and per capita. China is rapidly catching up in terms of total pollution (that's likely to be what you're referring to), but only as a consequence of having 1 billion more inhabitants.

You imply that America are some kind of anti-pollution pioneers and that's ridiculous. American cars are miles behind Chinese cars in terms of emissions, let alone European cars. America also invests far less in renewable forms of energy than China. There are loads of examples showing how America don't give a fuck.

Again you show how to talk through your arse.
I read China passed America as being the biggest polluter ;o
Last I heard they were pretty close to doing so, but you could be right. Even still, they have 1 billion more people than America and an 'equal' amount of pollution. I think that says more about America.
True, also America have been polluting for much longer than China has and they have much more money to invest in alternative ways to reduce pollution.
i talk that china pullote more
i was right

you are wrong...again
No, you said that China is more dangerous (in terms of pollution). This is untrue as they show a much greater willingness to reduce pollution than America does. The most dangerous country is the country that is most conservative and reluctant to change regarding combating global warming - that country is America. They're still using 1960s automotive technology in some aspects, such as carburetors - those were ditched in European and Asian cars decades ago.

You fail to troll... again.
dangerous=pallute more
chaina is
you failed


i will stop here since its no more aruing but its humiliating you
good day
Pullote? Pallute? Chaina? The only one humiliating themself is you.

If you fail to think logically then I agree that giving up is a good option.
QuoteThey just say 'No, you chinese can't use the same amount of energy like we do, because else the world will suffer too much, so you can't, and neither can we reduce our need for energy'.

America aren't signatories to Kyoto because it has special exemptions for India and China, who don't have the infrastructure required to properly adhere to the protocol like western countries can. As such America feels as though it will damage their economy too much, so they won't sign it unless the exemptions are ditched.
same here
the sun is shining, here atleast but I'm wondering how it will be in an hour or two.
its bin raining and thunder here for 15 mins now, but it's starting to end now
Rainfall? The sun is shining over here!
sunshiny day here
the sun was shining some minutes ago but black clouds are coming :<
Take shampoo and go out, you'll save money on water bills.
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